Good evening, I have a question about the Mask Master of Peter johansen:
Does using a mask obtained with “Doppelganger” prevent the simultaneous use of one coming from “Mask For All Occasions”?
Good evening, I have a question about the Mask Master of Peter johansen:
Good evening, I have a question about the Mask Master of Peter johansen:
Does using a mask obtained with “Doppelganger” prevent the simultaneous use of one coming from “Mask For All Occasions”?
I need a compendium class with some archaeology treasure hunter moves.
I need a compendium class with some archaeology treasure hunter moves. The thief in my game really wanted something more like that. I can write some new moves based on int and scholarship (he put his 16) in int without me catching it but if there something out there that folks know of I would rather adapt than create wholesale. I want to be a fan of the characters. My googling has come up short.
A player of mine is playing the Fighter, and has the whimsical concept of a grizzled, scarred veteran who finds…
A player of mine is playing the Fighter, and has the whimsical concept of a grizzled, scarred veteran who finds peace through the art of cooking, which he learns from a sensei-type samurai ghost living in his knife (don’t ask).
I was looking around for a good cooking based CC, especially one that evokes martial art chef tropes like the excellent God of Cookery movie, but couldn’t find any good ones. So I made my own, using Anglekite CCs as inspiration.
I quite like it, but I’m not sure of a couple of things:
I’d love to get feedback!
– I’m not sure about the STOCK mechanic, bc the way to refill it is pretty passive. Not sure if I should ditch it.
– Is the core move straightforward enough, or is it too complex as written?
– Any suggestions for other moves / tweaks?
EDIT: Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Have changed the class and linked it below. For the Core Move, Flaws have been ditched and a Hit heals, regardless. All Base moves are now character-development questions, for consistency.
I’m a relatively new Dungeon World DM.
I’m a relatively new Dungeon World DM. It’s time to bring compendium classes into my campaign. What is the best way to introduce them? Do you let the players help define compendium classes? Do you make them aware of the triggers so their characters can work toward them?
Thanks for the help!
I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was…
I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was a long time in the works. This pack covers the classic four races: human, dwarf, elf, and halfling. Each race works kind of like a compendium class, and has 11 total new moves (three starting, four 2-5, and four 6+) that work with any class playbook.
I put everything in a bundle to save money for those who want it all, but others can buy whichever races they want/need at the moment. Flexibility!
Next in the series will be orc, gnome, cambion, and dragonkin. I’ll be putting out a request for feedback when the drafts are ready. There are five packs of four planned, with a possible sixth, so a lot of options are on the horizon (20-24 races total). I hope you all enjoy Dungeon Races!–Human-Elf-Dwarf-Halfling-BUNDLE
Getting ready to start a new game of Dungeon World with my group.
Getting ready to start a new game of Dungeon World with my group. And I’m taking the Paladin class going along the lines of Tank with heals. Anyone know of any good compendium classes out there that can expand on healing abilities?
One of my players is playing his thief as a slap-sticky swindler without the grace and finesse of other thieves.
One of my players is playing his thief as a slap-sticky swindler without the grace and finesse of other thieves.
He’s very often drunk and so I’d like to give him a compendium class that’d give him a few benefits while intoxicated – has anybody come upon anything like that?
Hey dungeoneers!
Hey dungeoneers!
Class Warfare is the Deal of the Day on DriveThruRPG right now (it’s my character creation supplement, if you haven’t heard of it).
Get the pdf for 40 percent off, today only!
This was an old one I posted and the tavern perfected. I’ll post the fixed version and a link to the original. Byfar this is my favorite alternative to the druid move….hands down.
When you drink the blood of an animal, you may transform yourself into its likeness leaving behind your possessions. You have abilities and can perform tasks associated with the form. Hold HUMANITY equal to your WIS.
When you perform a form move, reduce your HUMANITY by 1 (minimum of -3).
When you attempt to revert to your original form, Roll+HUMAMITY
10+ You revert to normal.
7-9 You revert to normal, but have a lingering aspect of the animal which may express itself at inopportune times.
6- You are stuck as the animal till you fully rest.
When you fully rest, restore your HUMANITY and revert to normal without sideeffects.
Very similar to the Shaman, and a bit of a Pokemon master, this CC adds a little challenge catching spirits, while trying to leave out the ‘holy’ aspect of it. It does have allot of the word virtue, but with a STAT with the same name, its hard not to. I couldn’t think of another name for the STAT.
The Exorcist
Your experience as a purger of spirits has given rise to certain skills, providing you with power over them.
Symbol of Virtue
You have a symbol that represents your strongest virtue. It’s what gives you the power to command spirits. Describe your symbol and your Virtue, then choose a STAT that best suites that virtue, this is your max VIRTUE. The symbol has a weight of 1.
Spirit Imprisonment
When you attempt to imprison a spirit, whether roaming or of a dieing creature, within your Symbol of Virtue, describe how you do so and roll+VIRTUE.
10+ The Spirit is contained within your Symbol of Virtue, it gains 1 wt. The GM will give the spirit one move from its abilities when it was alive that it may perform when commanded.
7-9 The spirit is captured, but your VIRTUE is also reduced by 1.
Command Spirit
When you command a spirit, free or imprisoned, you must first roll+VIRTUE.
10+ The Spirit will perform a move within its abilities when it was alive.
7-9 It will perform the command, but first needs some compelling. Choose 1:
-> Show the power of your virtue, reduce your VIRTUE by 1.
-> You will free it from your imprisonment.
-> Why does the spirit linger in this plane? Make a deal with the spirit and help it to the next.
My Virtues
When you rest for more than a few hours and have time to contemplate your role, increase your VIRTUE to max.