When you enter a drinking contest with James “Hollow Leg” Hanson name your poison and roll + CON…

When you enter a drinking contest with James “Hollow Leg” Hanson name your poison and roll + CON…

When you enter a drinking contest with James “Hollow Leg” Hanson name your poison and roll + CON…

On a 10+ You impress everyone with your drinking skills! You take +1 to Carouse and Recruit in this town from now on.

On a 7-9 You manage stay upright and take +1 forward to Carouse or Recruit but will have the sick debility in the morning.

When you asked around town…

When you asked around town…

When you asked around town…

When you asked around in town about (insert dungeon name here) the locals all pointed you to an elderly stable hand. When you find him he is missing an arm and muttering to himself. You approached and asked about (insert dungeon name here), he turned to you wild eyed and kept repeating one word.

What was that word?

Outstanding Warrants Clarification

Outstanding Warrants Clarification

Outstanding Warrants Clarification

Outstanding Warrants

When you return to a civilized place in which you’ve caused trouble before, roll+Cha. On a hit, word has spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you. On a 7–9, that, and, the GM chooses a complication:

-The local constabulary has a warrant out for your arrest

-Someone has put a price on your head

-Someone important to you has been put in a bad spot as a result of your actions

It’s the “on a hit” wording that’s confusing. I ASSUME it means a failure but most every move lists the success results and leaves the failure up to the GM and their hard moves. The player that pointed this out also noted that the “deeds” cold mean the heard of the party’s heroic deeds out adventuring and treats them like heroes.

It’s not a move I’ve used often, does anyone else have more experience with this or a custom move like “Sneak Back In Town” or the like?

Dark Souls in Dungeon World

Dark Souls in Dungeon World

Dark Souls in Dungeon World


Intangible, Floating


Explosion, Forceful (1d6 to everything in Reach)

A floating disembodied head that faintly glows red, sometimes mistaken for a distant torch. Found in tombs, catacombs and other places where the dead are unquiet they silently float along forgotten hallways. When encountered they approach, begin screaming and then explode (destroying themselves in the process). In addition to damage they have been known to alert other monsters, knock adventures to the deaths and damage crumbling ruins and equipment with their powerful blast.

(Yes I have been playing the DS remaster)

Gear Adrift…

Gear Adrift…

Gear Adrift…

… is a gift! Or so the saying goes. You never had much to get by on but always managed to scrounge up something. When you spend an hour or so scavenging the surrounding area, Roll+INT.

On a 10+ you may pick from 1 Adventuring gear, 1d3 rations or 1d10 Coin (or a small object worth 1d10 Coin excluding rations or gear)

On a 7-9 If you picked gear it is of shoddy quality, suspect at best. If you picked rations, there is some debate to whether the item(s) are edible and if you picked Coin, it belonged to someone/thing who will eventually come looking for it.

Handling the Terrifying Tag

Handling the Terrifying Tag

Handling the Terrifying Tag

Has anyone come up with a good move for this? Something akin to a “presence” attack maybe?

I want the tag to mean something other than a general descriptor.

Have been tinkering with this:


When you are in the presence of a terrifying creature, Roll+WIS, On a 10+ you steel your nerve and can carry on as you wish. On a 7-9 You are shaken and will take -1 ongoing until the creature is dead or no longer present.


Royalty Free Assets for Content Creators

Royalty Free Assets for Content Creators

Royalty Free Assets for Content Creators

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has released over 375,000 images. A lot of them are high quality pics of old objects and artifacts, great for making Magic Items and use in Adventures. Would look great in some PDFs for people who make Adventure Fronts and other content.

