Paladin Week Starts Next Monday and you are all invited to create, participate and discuss all things Dungeon World…

Paladin Week Starts Next Monday and you are all invited to create, participate and discuss all things Dungeon World…

Paladin Week Starts Next Monday and you are all invited to create, participate and discuss all things Dungeon World Paladins! 

And now this is also the moment where i ask you want you would like to see discussed during Paladin Week! So let your voice heard! 

In addition to the normal week from 24. to 30. we will do a PreClassWeek Hangout on this Saturday. 23:30 middle european summer time (GMT+2) If you want to contribute to this, send me a line and i will invite you. The Hangout will be On Air so that everyone can check it out afterwards and send in questions if they want to. 

Let’s make Paladin Week rock! 

Originally shared by T. Franzke

“It’s time to kick ass and make vows, and I’m aaaaaall outta vows!” 

Class Week is a chance for all the people that love Dungeon World to come together and be creative. Let’s share new content for the given class and discuss it’s fictional and mechanical possibilities. Let’s check the moves again in depth and see what can be done with them if applied creatively.

Any rules questions about them? We got you covered. 

Class Week runs at the last of  every month. 

August – WIZARD WEEK! 

“Official Schedule” of X Week

22.-28 Juli – Thief Week

26-1. August – Wizard Week

23.-29. September – Paladin Week

21.-27. Oktober – Bard Week

25.-30. November – Ranger Week 

16-22. December – Cleric Week (earlier because of holidays)

Check out the Hashtags #FighterWeek   , #ThiefWeek   , #WizardWeek    and #DruidWeek   for bygone ClassWeeks. 


WizardWeek guys!

WizardWeek guys!

WizardWeek guys! 

(let’s get it as least as kick-ass as Druid Week was!)

sadly i can’t invite you all at once… So share it with your Dungeon World friends and invite them to come. 

Originally shared by T. Franzke

Class Week is a chance for all the people that love Dungeon World to come together and be creative. Let’s share new content for the given class and discuss it’s fictional and mechanical possibilities. Let’s check the moves again in depth and see what can be done with them if applied creatively.

Any rules questions about them? We got you covered. 

Class Week runs at the last of  every month. 

August – WIZARD WEEK! 

“Official Schedule” of X Week

22.-28 Juli – Thief Week

26-1. August – Wizard Week

23.-29. September – Paladin Week

21.-27. Oktober – Bard Week

25.-30. November – Ranger Week 

16-22. December – Cleric Week (earlier because of holidays)

Check out the Hashtags #FighterWeek , #ThiefWeek  and #DruidWeek  for bygone ClassWeeks. 


Defy Danger as a Stealth Move

Defy Danger as a Stealth Move

Defy Danger as a Stealth Move

It’s a bit late for #ThiefWeek , but I wanted to post my thoughts on why I like Defy Danger as a choice for stealth moves. I still like the various custom moves out there (including my own), but the fact is that most of what is required of such a move can be easily handled by Defy Danger.

I’m an advocate of divorcing stealth from Dexterity, so DD’s use of different stats for different situations is perfect for me!

When we think of stealth as an action, we’re usually thinking of a thief hiding in shadows, avoiding guards, remaining almost invisible as they sneak around… and for those scenarios DEX is likely the right choice. But stealth isn’t just sneaking around – stealth is about secrecy. At the core of it, the character is trying to get something done while remaining unnoticed.

Actions like trying to blend in with a crowd, acting like you belong there – that seems more like a +CHA move to me. Or what if your stealth depends on not dropping that heavy (and loud) bag of loot? Wouldn’t the endurance required in that action suggest +CON?

Ugly Choices, Worse Outcomes, and Hard Bargains can cover a lot of interesting stealth-appropriate complications, such as: 

• The Guard still hinders your progress; or he lingers, or you didn’t make it all the way to the gate, etc. (Worse Outcome)

• You can move unnoticed, but you’ll fail to cover your tracks; someone’s going to know you were there sooner or later. (Hard Bargain)

• You’ll have to drop something important and leave it behind to remain unnoticed. (Ugly Choice)


I’ll try to post some specific (and fun) examples in the comments later!

#ThiefWeek  Compendium Classes

#ThiefWeek  Compendium Classes

#ThiefWeek  Compendium Classes 

(they are not formatted right now) 

The Spellthief, Junge Stalker and the Jack of all Trades. 

All of these are primarily aimed at Thief players but can be taken by any class. The JoaT is something that is also very much a Bard thing but fit’s in well with the Thief archetype too i think. 

The Spellthief is a concept from 3.5 that i really like (but is not very much fun in that system). It’s pretty focused on backstabbing mages.

The Junge Stalker was my try to do something that is both “primal magic” and a Thief. It took me a long time but taking on aspects and abilities of things like Snakes and Spiders seems very fitting to me.

The Jack of all Trades is well, a Multiclass Addict that can do a lot of stuff but not all of these well.  Racial Ambiguity works with non-Race moves too, you just have too decide if some particular drive/focus/whatever would make sense to match his original move choice. 

First time building an item, the idea just struck me inspired by a HUD element from Thief: The Dark Project, in the…

First time building an item, the idea just struck me inspired by a HUD element from Thief: The Dark Project, in the…

First time building an item, the idea just struck me inspired by a HUD element from Thief: The Dark Project, in the spirit of #ThiefWeek.  Feedback highly desired!

Ring of Shadows

A thin ring of smooth iron clasping a shard of onyx.  If you look at the onyx closely enough, its blackness seems to shift just below the surface.

When you evade or avoid a watchful eye, take +1.




…Alternatively you can describe the effects of a poison you’d like to create. The GM will tell you that you can create it, but with one or more caveats:

– It will only work under specific circumstances

– The best you can manage is a weaker version

– It’ll take a while to take effect

– It’ll have obvious side effects


So, any good ideas for poison effects?





I set out to create a stealth move for Dungeon World as a challenge and to gain some experience in making up custom moves. Frankly, I think that Defy Danger is well-suited to handling stealth, but it seems that a lot of people were interested in something more dedicated.

Others have made some decent Stealth moves but I found that most fell into one of two camps: “Hide In Shadows”, or “Sneak”. I wanted to create a single move that would work for both situations; hiding in one place, or moving undetected.

Hide & Sneak

When you attempt to remain undetected by an obstacle, roll+DEX. On a 10+ the obstacle remains unaware of your presence. On a 7-9, you’re still hidden, but choose one:

– You’re still hindered by the obstacle

– You fail to cover your tracks

– You lose something valuable

The obstacle could be a patrolling guard you’re attempting to sneak past… or hide from. Either way, if you’re still hindered by the guard (as per a 7-9 result), they’re either still in your way as you try to sneak around, or they stop and have a smoke break right in front of your hiding spot!

I’ll post more about my thoughts on using Defy Danger later this week.


That one BIG Heist.  Every Thief aspires to have one big score. Something that will make him a legend.

That one BIG Heist.  Every Thief aspires to have one big score. Something that will make him a legend.

That one BIG Heist.  Every Thief aspires to have one big score. Something that will make him a legend.  

Give me your best targets/items/stuff to steal.
