How often does _Aid or Interfere get used in your games?
And if you’re at the extremes, why do you think that is?

How often does _Aid or Interfere get used in your games?
How often does _Aid or Interfere get used in your games?
And if you’re at the extremes, why do you think that is?
Player maps & handouts for #Stonetop . I think I’ve posted most of this before, but not all in one place.
Player maps & handouts for #Stonetop . I think I’ve posted most of this before, but not all in one place. And I accidentally removed the Region map from the old Ranger post. So, enjoy!
You know what’s like the perfect example of a DW dungeon crawl?
You know what’s like the perfect example of a DW dungeon crawl? “Red Nails,” the last Conan story Robert E. Howard wrote.
Spoilers, I guess. Go read the story if you haven’t.
Start the adventure at the door to the deserted city, in the middle of the wilderness, no fields around the city and no signs of life. Ask the characters some questions like:
– What drove you to flee into this gods-forsaken forest in the first place?
– Why did you follow them?
– Aside from your weapons, armor, and spellbook, what one piece of gear did you have on you when the horses spooked and ran off with everything else?
– Just what, exactly, sent you running from the forest towards this creepy, lifeless city?
Maybe some love letters instead of questions, but something to establish that:
1) They’re off in the middle of nowhere
2) They’re fleeing from the jungle to this abandoned city
3) They’re short on supplies
4) The jungle itself harbors some serious danger(s)
Then you’ve got an entire city, totally enclosed, mostly abandoned and empty. You got the two feuding clans, right at the cusp of killing each other off.
Then you’ve got like 3 Dangers:
The Feud (impulse: to escalate the violence; use Hordes moves)
– One of the clans’ champions is killed
– The losing side makes a last, desperate attack
– One clan is wiped out, the other so diminished that their days are numbered
DOOM: Destruction
Tascella (impulse: to stay young and powerful; use Arcane Enemy moves)
– Takes a creepy liking to one of the PCs
– Attempts to kidnap that PC
– Tascella orders the other PCs murdered
– Begins the ritual!
DOOM: The victim becomes withered, sickly, aged; Tascella renews her youth and power
The Catacombs (impulse: to hide and spawn evil; used Cursed Places moves)
– A ghostly tittering is heard in the dark places
– Someone flees into the catacombs and dies horribly, screaming
– Tolkemec emerges from the catacombs
DOOM: Chaos, as Tolkemec goes around burning the crap out of everyone.
The Shield of the Wisent Witch was inspired by Hans Messersmith’s request and some of the great ideas the tavernites had for him.
The Codex is a #Stonetop -style spellbook. It’ll be one of the possible starting items for the Seeker, particularly for the Patriot background. The Patriot Seeker is a local of the town who has sensed the growing dangers in the world and sought out power from dangerous sources in order to protect their home. I’m not sure that the Patriot’s possible artifacts will all be this dark. But definitely sinister.
Another stab at artifact cards for #Stonetop
Another stab at artifact cards for #Stonetop . I found I was trying to cram too much into too little space, so I doubled the size of the cards. That gave me space to make the consequences more elaborate and (IMO) flavorful.
As always, suggestions & feedback appreciated.
Proof of concept for #Stonetop .
Proof of concept for #Stonetop .
I’m thinking about making a whole deck of these, each with:
– a description
– a “learning to use it” power
– an “unlocked mysteries” move
– increasingly significant consequences for using it
The Seeker will start with 2-3 cards from the deck. One will be chosen based on their background, two will be picked randomly. They then choose 1 that’s secrets have been unlocked, 1 that they are still learning to use, and 1 that they do not actually possess but they know where to find it.
The rest of the deck (or the whole thing, if no one plays the Seeker) will be out there for characters to discover in play.
Thoughts & feedback appreciated.
Scathing Wit: When you taunt or insult an NPC, roll +CHA.
Scathing Wit: When you taunt or insult an NPC, roll +CHA.
Then what? It’s late, and I got nothin’.
And, here’s another #Stonetop playbook: The Judge. As always, feedback and criticism welcome and appreciated.
And, here’s another #Stonetop playbook: The Judge. As always, feedback and criticism welcome and appreciated.
This was actually the first playbook I made for Stonetop, and it was the proof-of-concept for a lot of the structures that appear in all the classes (the backgrounds, the additional setting questions on the back page, the increased flexibility in choosing moves). Not a whole lot has changed since the original, but I don’t think many folks took a close look (as it was buried in with the original teaser).
Bit of trivia (for those who care): this whole project stemmed from a long-running D&D 4e campaign. The Judge was a role that one of my players came up with to justify playing a paladin of Erathis. Some of the coolest details (IMO) come straight from that character: the Chronicle, the Legacy background, the ancient armor as symbol of authority, the juxtaposition of scholar & warrior.
Been way too long since I did any serious work on #Stonetop , but I’m hoping to get things rolling again.
Been way too long since I did any serious work on #Stonetop , but I’m hoping to get things rolling again. Here’s a revision of the Ranger. Feedback welcome and appreciated.
I had originally made my own world-specific expedition moves, but the ones in Jason Lutes’s The Perilous Wilds are so good, I scrapped mine and used his instead. Plus, I’d already done some work revising the core DW ranger to use those moves and the follower moves (it’s on the Lampblack & Brimstone community if you’re interested).
The other big revision is the way bonds are formatted and presented. I’ve always wanted the bonds to tie more directly into the Stonetop community and establish NPCs. I don’t know why I didn’t think of simply having them involve family before now. Sometimes I’m kinda slow.
Anyhow, I’ll be going back to do a pass at updating the bonds and moves for each of the playbooks in the next few weeks. Then, one last playbook to write (the Seeker, or bard/wizard analog).
Shortly thereafter, I’ll be looking for playtesters.
I dungeon move that I ended up scrapping. Maybe you’ll find it useful?
I dungeon move that I ended up scrapping. Maybe you’ll find it useful?
When you study the runes on the menhirs, roll +WIS.
10+ Your vision blurs briefly but then you can read the runes just fine.
7-9 You forget what you’re doing and wander off for a few minutes.
6- Mark XP and give the GM a notecard with your character’s name on it. After that, you can read the runes just fine.
When the GM gives you a notecard with your name on it, read the course of action they wrote on the back. If you do what’s written on the back of the card, mark XP. If you resist, roll +WIS.
10+ You shake it off and act as you want. Tear up the index card.
7-9 Choose 1 from the list below.
6- Mark XP, and follow the course of action written on the card to the best of your ability.
• Do what the card says, but then tear it up
• Drop to your knees, clutch your head, take 1d6 damage (ignores armor), then tear up the card
• Shake it off, for now. Give the card back to the GM.