A (Much) More Detailed Deity Questionnaire (for #ClericWeek ):

A (Much) More Detailed Deity Questionnaire (for #ClericWeek ):

A (Much) More Detailed Deity Questionnaire (for #ClericWeek ):

To create your deity

• A *potent name* and/or honorific: Helferth // Sucellus // Zorica // Krugon // Balashi // Ekurzakir // Ubalnu // Ku-Aya // Gemekaa // Nikanuur // Val-Tarash // Zeromon // Lidanur // Inosas-Azzelel // Asenthia // Omorthan // Salrynn // Califraxis // Bleak // Mighty // Father // Mother // Black // Bloody // All // Unnamed // Unseen // Holy // Radiant // Evergreen // All-Seeing // ____slayer

• A domain: the life-giving sun // that which lies below // redemption // storms // knowledge // home & hearth // the passage into death // forbidden love // secrets // bloody warfare // skill in battle // governance // craft & artifice

• What is anathema to them: the perversion of nature // ruin & chaos // tyranny & oppression // greed, gluttony, & lust // treachery, cowardice & oath-breaking // kin-slaying // despoiling purity & beauty // dead flesh // a specific race, nation, or culture // followers of __ // the murder or harm of (pick) women/children/innocents/a minority

• The deity is (pick one): widely worshipped // publically reviled // all but forgotten // well-known but little-worshipped // obscure & misunderstood

• Pick 1-3 mysteries: but one aspect of different god(s) // an ascended or enlighted mortal // sustained by prayer & sacrifice // imprisoned for all time // is dead // walks the world in mortal guise // was once killed/destroyed but reborn // sprung fully-formed into world from _ // is always present in some mundane thing // stole it’s power from another god 

• Choose a precept of your deity and its commensurate petition: pain and abasement of the flesh is enlightening (petition: suffering) // __ must be destroyed or conquered (petition: defeating said enemies) // sacrificial rites please & empower your god (petition: offerings) // the faith must be spread (petition: converts) // monuments glorify your deity (petition: erect, restore, or protect a lasting monument) // certain places are holy (petition: pilgrimage) // there are specific, proper ways to worship (petition: elaborite ceremony) // a certain type of beast or plant is holy (petition: care for said beast/plant) // your glory glorifies your god (petition: victory in battle)

• Pick a stricture, that which is forbidden by your deity:  contact with anything anathema // revealing yourself as a priest // speaking or writing your deity’s name // suffering something anathema to live // mingling with a particular race/caste/gender // carnal pleasures

Favorite moment from this weekend’s game: the fighter was disarmed and pinned beneath a horrid two-faced-four-armed…

Favorite moment from this weekend’s game: the fighter was disarmed and pinned beneath a horrid two-faced-four-armed…

Favorite moment from this weekend’s game: the fighter was disarmed and pinned beneath a horrid two-faced-four-armed goblin mutant (see pic) that was then clobbering the crap out of him. 

“I reach into it’s lower maw and grab its uvula.”  Rolls Hack & Slash, 12+. 

He has the barbarian Smash move: When you hack and slash, on a 12+ deal your damage and choose something physical your target has (a weapon, their position, a limb): they lose it.

So of course, he tears it’s uvula out. 

My favorite moment from this weekend’s game of DW: the PCs are exploring a vast, buried city of an ancient…

My favorite moment from this weekend’s game of DW: the PCs are exploring a vast, buried city of an ancient…

My favorite moment from this weekend’s game of DW: the PCs are exploring a vast, buried city of an ancient civilization. They know that chokers (horrible little things) are lurking about in the dark, but can’t see them.  The figher are artificer are investigating a series of clone-tubes with the NPC.  “There might be some sort of control panel in the next room,” says the artificer and the NPC wanders off to find it.

The ranger Discerns Reality, misses.  A tentacle-hand shoots out of the dark, covers his face, and drags him away. 

The fighter and artificer hear something, look and see that the ranger is gone.  The fighter creeps toward where they last saw the ranger, axe out and peering into the dark.  He Discerns Realities.  The artificer assists, shining the (only) light over the fighter’s shoulder. 

Both roll at the same time. 

Both miss.

Talk to me about hirelings.  How have you used them in your games (as GM or player)?  How do you find their crunchy…

Talk to me about hirelings.  How have you used them in your games (as GM or player)?  How do you find their crunchy…

Talk to me about hirelings.  How have you used them in your games (as GM or player)?  How do you find their crunchy bits (skill, loyalty, cost) influences play?  Do you find them becoming an important part of the game, or mostly just background?

I’ve been writing up session logs for my most recent campaign.  Figured some of y’all might enjoy them.

I’ve been writing up session logs for my most recent campaign.  Figured some of y’all might enjoy them.

 I’ve been writing up session logs for my most recent campaign.  Figured some of y’all might enjoy them. We certainly have been having fun.




Howdy. I’ve been running DW for a while now, and find that it takes longer than I’d like to stat up monsters on the fly.  If a fight breaks out, I need to know their HP, armor, and damage (with tags).  Unfortunately, that info is spread out through the monster questionnaire.

Here’s a monster-creation cheat sheet that reorganizes the questionnaire to get you those key numbers. If you’ve got more time, you can also use the last column to figure out the monster’s tags, moves, and qualities.

I find it much faster to use. 

Monster Creation Cheat Sheet.pdf
