Hey, I’m putting together a pirates/nautical-themed campaign pack and I’d love any feedback, questions etc.

Hey, I’m putting together a pirates/nautical-themed campaign pack and I’d love any feedback, questions etc.

Hey, I’m putting together a pirates/nautical-themed campaign pack and I’d love any feedback, questions etc. Still to do: an example map or two, some kind of random events table, anything else I might have missed.

I’d like to put this on DrivethruRPG for pay-what-you-like; I’ve not published anything before so any advice to that end would be useful too. Thanks!

(+Nikitas Thlimmenos and +Guy Milner – this was what I mentioned, hope it’s useful.)


I have a thing i want to do mechanicly but i don’t know how to word it.

I have a thing i want to do mechanicly but i don’t know how to word it.

I have a thing i want to do mechanicly but i don’t know how to word it. 

There is a move and on a 7-9 you take damage. The first time it’s just a d4+1 but every 7-9 after that increases the damage by +1 until you make camp. How do you word that? 

So, my adventurers have caused a riot in a city and then fled.

So, my adventurers have caused a riot in a city and then fled.

So, my adventurers have caused a riot in a city and then fled. And I anticipate this coming up again (that’s just how we roll). I made this custom move for updating the steading after a riot… let me know if you got any thoughts…

When a steading breaks out into riots it usually suffers. What happens depends on the difference between the steading’s defense and the steading’s population (consider the population at +1 for a town and +2 for a city). If the defenses are greater than the population, the steading defenders easily quell the riots with no real harm to the people or the steading. If the defenses are equal to or less than the population, chose a number of the following equal to one plus the difference:

-population as people, mostly rioters, are hurt and killed in the violence

-population as inhabitants flee the steading during the riot and in the aftermath

-defenses as guards and soldiers fight hard and lose men in the quelling

-prosperity as the steading’s structures is badly damaged

-prosperity as the steading’s shops and buildings are looted in the chaos

Lawless tag added as the city does not fully recovers from the riotous mentality

Other positive tag lost as the riots destroy infrastructure and drive out inhabitants

Custom move for a fae infested forest.

Custom move for a fae infested forest.

Custom move for a fae infested forest.

When you walk under the full moon in The Urwood, and think of your heart’s desire Roll +CHA…

On a 10+ If your heart’s desire is in The Urwood, you find where. If not you will know the quickest way to it.

On a 7-9 pick one:

– You receive a vision of The Urwood deems urgent

– You must face a trial before you get what you seek

– The denizens of the Urwood make you an offer

On a miss: Who are you to petition the Urwood? Come back when you’ve proven yourself.

I’ve been thinking about a more explicit move for sneaking and stealth, so here’s my first pass at it.

I’ve been thinking about a more explicit move for sneaking and stealth, so here’s my first pass at it.

I’ve been thinking about a more explicit move for sneaking and stealth, so here’s my first pass at it. This could either be a new basic move for everybody, or a starting or advanced move for stealth classes.


When you use stealth to traverse dangerous territory, roll+Dex. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend hold, 1 for 1, on the following.

You find an opportunity to sneak past an obstacle unobserved.

You find a hidden way or an alternate route.

You have an opportunity to take someone by surprise.

Looking for feedback on a move used to represent the advantage given by a weapon with reach:

Looking for feedback on a move used to represent the advantage given by a weapon with reach:

Looking for feedback on a move used to represent the advantage given by a weapon with reach:

When you use your superior reach to hold an enemy at bay, roll +STR. On a 10+, you deal damage to your enemy and the enemy remains at your weapon’s reach. On a 7-9, your enemy may choose to take damage and close with you, or avoid taking damage by staying beyond your reach.

I’m looking for feedback in a custom move.

I’m looking for feedback in a custom move.

I’m looking for feedback in a custom move.

When you deal the finishing blow on the Wizard Caravantius on the Cliff of Doom, the wizard will fall down the cliff. Roll +Dex. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.

* The wizard will not take Princess Mirra with him to his death.

* He will drop his Staff of the Magi before falling.

* With maniacal laughter, he will reveal the location where King Amros is being held before he falls.

On a 6-, still choose 1, but the Wizard curses you: take -1 ongoing until you can dispel the curse. Regardless of the roll, the wizards fall 300 meters into his death, hitting the ragged rocks of the Cliff of Doom many times before disappearing into the mist. Surely no one can survive that fall, right?

I’ve been thinking about alternative fighting styles.

I’ve been thinking about alternative fighting styles.

I’ve been thinking about alternative fighting styles. How would you handle a cloak and rapier style? Would the cloak be 0 weight, 0 armor but similar to the magic item Lodestone Shield in that when you defend, you can spend a hold to disarm your opponent?

Thinking about moves that have humorous consequences. Thought of this one earlier.

Thinking about moves that have humorous consequences. Thought of this one earlier.

Thinking about moves that have humorous consequences. Thought of this one earlier.

When you throw down a smoke bomb in order to steal away without being seen, roll+Dex. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1 and you are humiliated.

• The smoke bomb goes off without a hitch.

• You’re gone.

• No one sees your escape route as you flee.


Looking for feedback.

Looking for feedback.

Looking for feedback.

I’m running  a new (read: first ever) DW adventure soon and wanted to include some custom moves.  The first leg of the journey is across a treacherous sea wherein the adventurers encounter more than one danger.  Since most of this session will take place on a ship I thought it right to add some ship related moves.  Below is an original move I made for the game plus a modified move from the DW Guide.

1. Knife Slide Down A Sail

“When you stab in to the sail and ride the tear to the deck like a grinning scoundrel, roll +Dex.”

On a 10+

 – You land safely.  Add  +1 hold if you flourish.

 On a 7 – 9

 – You land, but amongst a cacophany of battle

On a miss,

 – You stop short in the sail.  Loose the knife to catch a rope(+Dex) or drop to the deck for1d4 damage.

2. Swinging of the Rigging

“When you swing on the rigging toward some scurvy bastard with a cutlass in your teeth, roll +Dex. 

On a 10+

 – you knock them over and gain 1 hold.

On a 7-9

 – you are both knocked over and fall in to a tangled pile.

On a miss

 – you or your weapon is flung overboard.

Would love some pointers as I’m still learning the ropes (pun intended?) of Dungeon World.