Custom move for a fae infested forest.

Custom move for a fae infested forest.

Custom move for a fae infested forest.

When you walk under the full moon in The Urwood, and think of your heart’s desire Roll +CHA…

On a 10+ If your heart’s desire is in The Urwood, you find where. If not you will know the quickest way to it.

On a 7-9 pick one:

– You receive a vision of The Urwood deems urgent

– You must face a trial before you get what you seek

– The denizens of the Urwood make you an offer

On a miss: Who are you to petition the Urwood? Come back when you’ve proven yourself.

3 thoughts on “Custom move for a fae infested forest.”

  1. Is there a hard move clause with that miss? As it reads, it does really push the fiction forward. It’s just a closed door.

    Maybe the forest uses your Heart’s Desire to deceive/trick you?

  2. I find telling a player they must “prove themselves” to get something usually makes them do something far more dangerous than anything I might specifically give them to do. It also follows with the co-operative fiction aspect of the game for them to find a way to prove themselves.

    It’s essentially the unwelcome truth that they have been found wanting.

    Also you can always just make them fight a dangerous creature and wait a month to ask again. Seems hard enough to me.

  3. It’s really just a matter of my personal expectations. When I envision walking in a fae infested forest at night, I picture a desperate, hazardous move for someone with no better choice. More of a Charisma based Defy Danger.

    That said, I don’t know how that forest works in your fiction.

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