Update Jason Lutes wiki page…? How would one go about doing that? There’s no mention of Lampblack and Brimstone products. Jason – was that on purpose? Or just no one has thought to do it yet? (btw, for me personally, if I had a wikipedia page, I’d hate to look at it myself… apologies)
If the latter (no one has gotten around to it yet), anyone know how to edit Wikipedia?
Ran FotF 2e this weekend at Pinecon. 3 players – one a regular player of indy RPGs, one who had played a few sessions of D and D before, and then her husband whose first ttRPG was the D&D 5e i had run earlier that day.
We went through chargen and then world building. The chargen directly informed the world, since one of the character’s random items was nautical charts – so they built a peninsula called the Hand and the keep on the Hand that was tasked with fighting off the Kraken people/cult.
Ultimately they set off, and then had an encounter with the Raven Queen – who they thought was their enemy, but then learned was actually the being preventing the Kraken from arising. Sadly, that was after they had “killed” her (actually banishing her back to her pocket dimension). She tasked them with a quest and gave them some boons. Would have been a great start to a campaign.
It was amazing session, and the players loved how much they were invested in the world after helping build it.
One thought – I might put the marketplace right after the chargen rules; or maybe after the spell names table. There is a part about going shopping, and the rest of the chargen stuff is right there – but the marketplace is further on after all the moves and world building.
Maezar posted his cool character sheets, where Thieves could use INT or DEX for their core moves; and Clerics could…
Maezar posted his cool character sheets, where Thieves could use INT or DEX for their core moves; and Clerics could use WIS or CHA for their core moves. What about Mages using INT or CON for their SpellCasting move?
Fictionally Mages are digging deep within their soul/ego/psyche to draw forth their mystical power.
Can’t think fictionally an alternate stat for Bend Bars Lift Gates for the Fighter…
I’ve got a player who’s 7th level fighter beats everyone he ever fights, in straight up Hack and Slash.
I’ve got a player who’s 7th level fighter beats everyone he ever fights, in straight up Hack and Slash.
But I’ve got a climax fight coming with his nemesis (that he’s never met). I’ve decided to make the nemesis a trap expert, and my fighter will be entering the nemesis’ uber-trapped lair.
So 2 questions:
How do you handle trap-springing in DW? In other F20 games, the player would make a “notice” check, or if a special skill, a skill check. Doesn’t seem very Dungeon Worldy. So, how do you handle?
Finally, I’m running this game in 9 hours, so I hope the European folks who aren’t at work can answer soon (or maybe it’s people who ARE at work who can answer ).