The first session, my players found on a goblin shaman a little paint pot with glowing paint.

The first session, my players found on a goblin shaman a little paint pot with glowing paint.

The first session, my players found on a goblin shaman a little paint pot with glowing paint. They learned that when a certain sigil was painted with the paint on doors, and then the door was later opened, it would make the pot rattle. I gave them 4 more uses.

Now, on another shaman they have found a necklace of animal teeth (mostly wolves/dogs).  What do you think? My thief took it. He also has taken a headdress of crow feathers from another goblin shaman (they’ve been fighting a lot of goblins recently).

For the teeth necklace, I’m leaning towards something like – he can eat anything organic, even rotting stinky stuff. That seems like it would appeal and be useful to a goblin.

For the crow headdress – either something to do with vision; or something to do with flight/feather falling.




Guys. Ran my first DW session last Friday. I come from a background of F20 (a la Robin Laws). I was pretty proud that I resisted the urge to have them do “perception” checks to just see stuff. Instead I invoked moves like: “Show signs of an approaching threat” (You glance back and see a couple goblin heads peeking around the corner) and “Reveal an unwelcome truth”.

But I have one character who is a Druid.

The Druid is from the Towering Mountains, and chose to shapeshift into a Bear. Do I need to come up with a move on the spot for the animal he changes into? From reading the Shapeshifter move, it sounds like yes. So I gave him Trample and Thick Furry Hide. Trample: if he does damage to an opponent in Hack and Slash, he knocks them down. Thick Furry Hide: means he has +1 armor if he takes damage until he rolls a 6- in Hack and Slash. Now that I think about it, the Hold 3 or Hold 1 would automatically limit Thick Furry Hide, and I can take away the clause about “until he rolls a 6-” Comments? I feel like those are still a bit too F20.
