



When you dedicate yourself to a research project (be it a new spell, the gathering of knowledge, the improvement of another spell or the creation of an artifact) write it down on your character sheet. The GM will tell you to create a research countdown matching the complexity of your project. They will also give you 1-3 other requirements you must fulfil from the following list

– You need to gather specific resources

– You need to gather information at this and that place

– You need the help of an expert on this subject

– You need to gather samples at a specific place

– You will need a week at the end to go over your notes again and puzzle it together

– It will cost you quite a fortune for components and books etc. 

The GM will also tell you 3 actions you can take to advance your Research Countdown. 

For example to improve one of your spells these could be options:

– Fail at casting the spell

– Use the spell on something you never used it on

– Prepare nothing but that spell for the day (advances 2)

When the countdown is filled up your research is complete and you may reap it’s fruit. 

#wizardweek  One of the discussions earlier today sparked my interest, so without further ado, i present: The…

#wizardweek  One of the discussions earlier today sparked my interest, so without further ado, i present: The…

#wizardweek  One of the discussions earlier today sparked my interest, so without further ado, i present: The Battlemage!

When you learn the secrets of blending sword and spell, you can take this move when you level up:

Arcane Swordsman

You have a new stat called ARCANA, which looks like this:

SWORD: +1-0-+1 :SPELL

When you roll a 10+ to hack and slash, you have +1 Spell Forward. When you roll a 10+ to cast a spell, you have +1 Sword Forward.

When you are an arcane swordsman, the following count as class moves; you can take them when you level up:

Mage Armor

When you roll a 10+ to cast a spell in battle, you can treat it as a 7-9 to conjure a suit of magical armor around you until the end of the battle. The armor is 0 weight, +INT armor, and gives a +1 to defy danger against magical effects.

War Wizard

Choose a number of spells you know equal to your INT. Work with the GM to give them an additional capability suitable for battle; for example, maybe alarm stuns whatever crossed the circle for a few valuable seconds, or minor damage doesn’t break the effects of charm person.


You can channel a damaging spell into your weapon, treating the spell as ongoing (-1 Ongoing to cast a spell) but dealing +1d4 damage while stored. In addition, any applicable effects of the weapon (holy, wreathed in flames, etc.) influence the spell when cast; icy magic missiles, for example.


Battlefields after a bloody conflict always count as places of power for you to perform rituals.

Pure Vancian Magic

Pure Vancian Magic

Pure Vancian Magic

You may memorize a number of spells equal to your level+2, whose total levels may not exceed your level+1. You may not memorize a spell of a higher level than your own.

Cantrips count as level 0.

Level 1 spells still count as level 1.

Level 3 spells for you are level 2.

Level 5 spells for you are level 3.

Level 7 spells for you are level 4.

Level 9 spells for you are level 5.

When you cast a spell, it always works as if you had rolled a 12+ but you forget it and may not cast it again until you rememorize it. You may not memorize the same spell more than once.

#wizardweek #notplaytested  




level 3


This spell cleaves a rift between the world of the living and the world of the dead, making the ghosts of those buried in the location where the spell is cast, as well as spirits tied to that location, visible to anyone present. You may question them and receive one answer from each spirit.


#WizardWeek     #hirelings

#WizardWeek     #hirelings

#WizardWeek     #hirelings  

I’ve written up a new hireling skill; I’d like to see a wider range of hireling skills, especially homebrewed ones that people have come up with!


An Acolyte is an assistant in the arcane arts, who takes up magic in an almost fanatical sense, obsessed with ritualistic practice.

Powerhouse – When given sufficient time and safety the Acolyte can set up a temporary place of power, to perform any kind of magical practice. The condition  “The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited” will always be added to a ritual using Powerhouse, and cannot be vetoed. 

Ritual Assistance – When performing Ritual, you may choose to veto a number of GM conditions equal/up-to the Acolyte’s skill -1. All vetoed conditions will reflect back onto the Acolyte in some negative fashion, sometimes even invoking an Order Hirelings roll due to risk. If 4 conditions are ever vetoed at once, then the Acolyte dies from the magical backlash of the ritual. 

Bringing back a thing from a few months ago for #wizardweek.

Bringing back a thing from a few months ago for #wizardweek.

Bringing back a thing from a few months ago for #wizardweek.

Originally shared by Craig “Tezrak” Hatler

Spell Research (Wizard Advanced Move for levels 6-10)

When you consult far-flung curiosity cabinets, kibbutz with exotic arcanists, and filch half-finished manuscripts from rival eldritch masters in an effort to discover a new arcane formula, draft a magical effect not covered by an existing spell. Work with your DM to determine this new spell’s level. Roll +INT : On a 10+, you can add the new spell to your spellbook and can prepare it as you would any other. On a 7-9, the spell counts as one level higher than what was agreed upon. Regardless of the result, spend a number of XP equal to the level of the spell.


Repost for #WizardWeek

Repost for #WizardWeek

Repost for #WizardWeek  

since it is 100% appropriate for a Wizard to take this class.

THE GEOMANCER! Master of leylines and domain granted magic. 

Play this if you want extra spells and have a special relationship to the land you are traveling. Incredibly cool for campaigns with a wide variety of landscapes and locales. 

#wizardweek As I said, here to put an end to all this damage dealing spells by unleashing them out.

#wizardweek As I said, here to put an end to all this damage dealing spells by unleashing them out.

#wizardweek As I said, here to put an end to all this damage dealing spells by unleashing them out.

Chain Lightning (Level 5, Evocation)

Lightning bolts spring from your hands to strike any number of enemies each close to at least another one, inflicting 2d8 damage which ignores armor and stunning them for a bunch of seconds.

Cone of Cold (Level 7, Evocation)

You breath forth glacial winds that envelop anything in front of you, inflicting 2d10 damage which ignores armor, freezing and slowing down your targets for some moments, and leaving a long-lasting coat of ice in the area.

Meteor Swarm (Level 9, Evocation)

You evoke a rain of fireballs that devastate everything you can see, inflicting 2d12 damage which ignores armor, tearing down inanimate objects and buildings, digging craters the size of a house, and raising a fog of smoke and dust that obscures the view in the area for days.

#wizardweek  New wizard race! The kobold! Basically, this is a magical trap-maker :)

#wizardweek  New wizard race! The kobold! Basically, this is a magical trap-maker 🙂

#wizardweek  New wizard race! The kobold! Basically, this is a magical trap-maker 🙂

Kobold: When casting a harmful spell, you may store the spell in a rune inscribed by yourself on any solid surface. If you do, the effects from the spell are released on the first person who touch it.

#WizardWeek The RitualGame

#WizardWeek The RitualGame

#WizardWeek The RitualGame

Here is how the ritual game works:

I will post a ritual a player wizard wants to accomplish. The next person will give it requirements from the list and propose a new ritual.

Ritual: I want to summon the magic sword of the queen so that I can use it as leverage against her!

What are the requirements?

Just as a reminder:

It’s going to take days/weeks/months

First you must __

You’ll need help from __

It will require a lot of money

The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited

You and your allies will risk danger from __

You’ll have to disenchant __ to do it