Pure Vancian Magic

Pure Vancian Magic

Pure Vancian Magic

You may memorize a number of spells equal to your level+2, whose total levels may not exceed your level+1. You may not memorize a spell of a higher level than your own.

Cantrips count as level 0.

Level 1 spells still count as level 1.

Level 3 spells for you are level 2.

Level 5 spells for you are level 3.

Level 7 spells for you are level 4.

Level 9 spells for you are level 5.

When you cast a spell, it always works as if you had rolled a 12+ but you forget it and may not cast it again until you rememorize it. You may not memorize the same spell more than once.

#wizardweek #notplaytested  

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