Thursday night is Planarch / Dungeon World night!

Thursday night is Planarch / Dungeon World night!

Thursday night is Planarch / Dungeon World night!

Three sessions in and our campaign is no longer frontless.  The Fleshblenders are settling in as a heavy front and the party is intimately wrapped up in them.

The FBs are very interested in the body-switching magic mishap from last session so they hire the body-switched characters (the Bard and the Wizard) as research subjects.  The gig pays J250 for a week.  This is better, safer and easier money than the PCs will ever make freebooting.  They get pampered with massages and steam baths and soft-handed ogrish chiropractic adjustments in between examinations and interviews.  In the languid environment, the long-running sexual tension between the B and the W explodes!

Then their relationship turns to shit when the Bard decides unilaterally to pay the Fleshblenders to cure the Wizard’s body’s necromantic curse of unending hunger.  +1 XP for hitting his Chaotic alignment trigger!  Alas, the Bard rolls the nasty nine on Defy Danger to escape surgical complications.  The cure works.  It permanently and totally cures the Wizard’s body’s hunger.  Her body is now powered by death energy and need not eat ever again.  In fact, her body must not eat. It will get very sick if she tries. 

The Wizard, who is a sensual sort, is not happy at this.

Later, the Wizard learns that the Fleshblenders consider their anti-aging transplants to be extremely crude.  They are eager to discover another means of prolonging life.  Instead of stealing mere body parts, they would like to outright steal bodies using one-way mind transference.  It’s a downer for the PCs but at least they got free chiropractic out of it.

Psyched to be running DW again tonight!

Psyched to be running DW again tonight!

Psyched to be running DW again tonight! 

I am lonelyfunning on a new Front: the Freebooter’s Guild.  In our parish, freebooters are underpaid, but they do have specialized skills and are a cruicial piece of the economy.  So some old hands are going to organize.  Their new guild’s Endgame* is that it controls the supply of both jobs and freebooters.

What does this thing look like?  How does it build solidarity and grow towards its endgame?

* Impending Doom.  But I don’t want  to call it a Doom, because it’s not accelerating the downfall of society.  Perhaps quite the opposite!

(credit to Marshall Miller for sparking this idea)

Two sessions in and our Dungeon World game feels frontless.  Our world creation exercises have revealed lots of…

Two sessions in and our Dungeon World game feels frontless.  Our world creation exercises have revealed lots of…

Two sessions in and our Dungeon World game feels frontless.  Our world creation exercises have revealed lots of external forces and jobs and etc that could develop as fronts, but every emerging storyline involves the players trying to deal with some harm they’ve inflicted upon themselves while trying to be good mayhem contractors.  It’s more like Earthsea and less like Game of Thrones.

Our paladin has crippling angina from Laying Hands on an elderly minotaur.  Our bard and wizard have switched bodies.  The wizard’s body is suffering an emaciating/hunger disease as a result of some improvised necromancy.  I think I need to lay off on the hard moves maybe.

I could use “heart disease” as a front, I guess.  Or “body switching” with the Impending Doom being “permanence.”

Insane DW/Planarch session tonight.

Insane DW/Planarch session tonight.

Insane DW/Planarch session tonight.

First, house rule!  We decide that the “invoke your right of blood and tradition” requirement for the heritage moves can be satisfied by doing a camera monologue describing what it’s like to be one of your people.

Onto the AP:

* The Ink Pudding-heritage Bard cleverly uses his ink blood to mark part of the party’s path through the Labyrinth but pushes too hard and faints.  When spiderlings attack, the Wizard uses her Telepathy to mind-yell him awake.  She rolls a 2.  GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.  The telepathy goes awry and they switch bodies! 

* “Should we take the bond ‘_____ has switched bodies with me?'” the Wizard’s player asks.

* The party’s guide gets eaten by a giant, cowardly puppeteer spider.  They kill the spider and retrieve the guide’s magic navigation spectacles from its gullet.  The Thief steals some of its monofilament silk for a garrote.

But the navigation glasses are out of charges!  The body-switched Wizard and Bard collaborate on a ritual to recharge them.  “You can recharge the battery in one rations’ worth of time if you use the death energy that’s coming off the spider” I say.  “Or you can do it in three or four rations each if you use a safer source of ambient magic.” 

* Death energy all the way!  They both completely botch their necromantic Defy Danger rolls.  The body-switched duo watch as their own bodies are twisted by the netherworld.  The ink-pudding bard’s body turns chalk white.  The rubenesque wizard’s body is suddenly emaciated and cursed with hunger that can’t be satiated.  She’ll be eating double rations until she gets that figured out.  However, the glasses are charged and are eager to guide them out of the labyrinth.

* During the necromantic ritual, an old minotaur Gentle Brother prisoner happens by.  Glad for the opportunity to be guided out of the maze, he holds his nose at the necromancy and joins them.  But the glasses, charged with netherworld power, can see the death spirits hovering around the Gentle Brother.  The Paladin gets wind of this and insists on Laying On Hands, even though the minotaur does not want to be healed.  He rolls a mixed success and cures the minotaur’s angina — but brings it on himself.  He can barely climb stairs now without doubling over in pain.  The stubborn minotaur, angry at the Paladin’s foolish generousity, carries the Paladin out of the Labyrinth.

* They make it back to Ditchwater Manor, where they find their stuff piled in the street.  It’s been there since the morning, but no one wanted it.  They didn’t pay their rent in advance.  However the Fleshblender inkeeper is still happy to do business with them.  He offers an “infusion procedure” to restore the emaciated Wizard’s appearance, at the low, low cost of only J500.  That’s way more than she can afford, but maybe they can pay for the wizard’s cosmetic surgery with some grave robbing…

Job time!

Job time!

Job time!

The Gentle Sisters are gratified by the overwhelming response to our call for volunteers in the wake of the Andazapari tempest.  However, we must ask that you refrain from volunteering unless you possess specific abilities.  We need:

    * drovers and salvage brokers to work debris cleanup

    * disease-hardened species to work corpse cleanup

    * swimming, disease-hardened species to aid in sewer repair

    * (URGENT) capable fighters who can protect the parish from looters and necromancers.

All volunteers must swear the Greater Gentle Oath.  Note that oaths made to certain other divinities or orders may disqualify you from accepting the Greater Gentle Oath.

You know what would be handy for Planarch Codex?  An oracle of urban topographies and architectures.

You know what would be handy for Planarch Codex?  An oracle of urban topographies and architectures.

You know what would be handy for Planarch Codex?  An oracle of urban topographies and architectures.

* Winding spaghetti streets like Istanbul

* A tidy grid of steel and brick buildings like Manhattan

* Broad boulevards like Moscow

* Piled-up shanties and mud paths like a Brazillian favela

Can anyone add any others?

Our Dis is eating some planes with interesting technology.  Time to expose Dungeon World to some Gamma radiation!

Our Dis is eating some planes with interesting technology.  Time to expose Dungeon World to some Gamma radiation!

Our Dis is eating some planes with interesting technology.  Time to expose Dungeon World to some Gamma radiation!

When you examine an extraplanar artifact, roll +some ability that the GM picks.  On a 7-9, choose 1.  On a 10+, choose 3.

    * You learn the artifact’s purpose and how to use it

    * The artifact is still usable

    * No one is harmed

    * You may take +1 to your next roll to understand a similar artifact

    * You may ask the GM one question about the artifact’s last owner

I don’t know if the last two are really awesome or not.

Judd Karlman was after a Dis job list, so here goes.  Note that J = Jingle, the coin of the Sultana.

Judd Karlman was after a Dis job list, so here goes.  Note that J = Jingle, the coin of the Sultana.

Judd Karlman was after a Dis job list, so here goes.  Note that J = Jingle, the coin of the Sultana.

Ageless Shabrahim, fleshblender and innkeeper of Ditchwater Manor, has learned of these opportunities for independent folk of nerve and fortune.

1) The postal franchise for Ditchbiggin, under the aegis of the venerable Starfish automaton Hulushi, seeks reliable practitioners of streetcraft for irregular deliveries and retrievals in Ditchbiggin and environs.  

Pay varies with the distance traveled and the weight of the cargo.  As a benchmark, J30 are currently offered to any who will deliver documents from the Prime Consigliere to the hand of the alchemist Bence Cellenni.  Celleni is currently believed to be at work in his laboratory at 22 Feather, Ring, Ditchbiggin.

Reliable and fleet subcontractors may be considered for salaried employment on trunk routes.

2) The Rat-thing insurance adjuster Lucena seeks bold and proficient transplanars for a expedition to the Near Chaos beyond Halihaven Parish.  Their task will be to independently verify the fate of the MVS Golden Rule for the purposes of claim arbitration.  

Experience in naval salvage law a must; experience in Chaos navigation an asset.  All reasonable expenses paid with a J250 bonus for delivery of satisfactory documentation to the arbitrator.

Be advised that the sale of salvage rights to the Golden Rule has been authorized.

3) A gatesick ape-lady refugee from some dinky chow-plane pleads that someone, anyone, rescue her family from the terrors of the Bastille  Labyrinth.  The Labyrinth is apparently a borderlands now.  Chow-plane refugees are wandering straight into it, poor fuckers.  As you might expect, this one pays strictly in goodwill.

Design note: I figured I’d seed the list with one mundane and cheap job, one lucrative and risky job, and one A-Team style “If you have a problem, if no one else can help” job.

AP: our ape-lady refugee accosted the paladin in public so of course the party took up her job.  She led them into the Labyrinth, relying on her cybernetic computer glasses to navigate to her injured family’s hiding place.  Alas, she didn’t respect the environment enough and got skragged by a puppet spider.  So they’re pretty much fucked now.

I am gonna have to tell you guys all about S’s character when I get time, he is a hybrid ink pudding / human and the things he draws come true.

Idea: use a Voroni diagram as the basis for our campaign’s emerging Dis parish map.

Idea: use a Voroni diagram as the basis for our campaign’s emerging Dis parish map.

Idea: use a Voroni diagram as the basis for our campaign’s emerging Dis parish map.

(generated using