As I work through an adventure conversion, I keep stumbling upon creatures that are part of the D&D mythos that…

As I work through an adventure conversion, I keep stumbling upon creatures that are part of the D&D mythos that…

As I work through an adventure conversion, I keep stumbling upon creatures that are part of the D&D mythos that don’t have a counterpart in Dungeon World. So tonight, the Drider.


Intelligent, Solitary, Devious, Large, Stealthy

Poison bite (d10+1) 16 HP           2 Armor

Close, Reach

A drider is the twisted remnants of a supplicant who once tried to prove his worth in the eyes of a malignant god…and failed. His legs and abdomen is that of a gigantic spider, and his torso, arms, and face are twisted reflections of the drider’s original humanoid form. But with this curse, comes great power…powerful spells, a chitinous hide, and a powerful poisonous bite.

Cursed and outcast from his native lands, a drider must make due in a world in which he no longer belong. Eventually, most driders come to embrace their curse, though they are still filled with a burning hatred for the society which cast them out.

Instinct: to exact revenge on even the smallest transgression

– Weaken with poison

– Cast spells of illusion and malice

– Silently skitter along the walls and ceiling

I’ve been looking into making new monsters – adventure conversion tends to do this – and have traditionally thought…

I’ve been looking into making new monsters – adventure conversion tends to do this – and have traditionally thought…

I’ve been looking into making new monsters – adventure conversion tends to do this – and have traditionally thought that each monster should have three moves (its what Dungeon World typically has, so why not take advice from the master).

However, there exists a tension as I work to explain the Ichtha-Gogs, an interpretation of Kuo-Toans, and their important racial “moves”. In the case of Ichtha-Gogs, they are all extremely slippery…to the point of being able to slip out of most any bindings.

Does it make sense to do this via a Special Quality or a Custom Move?

The tension becomes in limiting the number of moves to 3 (I suppose I could go up to 4).

Also, in the case of Ichtha-Gogs, the “slip any bind” is a weaksauce move, but in thinking about True Ghouls and their ability to spawn new True Ghouls, I have to wonder if that should be a Special Quality.


Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the…

Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the…

Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the Ichtha-Gog Slaver

Ichtha-Gog Slaver

Devious, Intelligent, Group

Spear and bite (d8), 6 HP, 3 Armor

Reach, Close, Thrown

Special Qualities: Amphibious, Immune to poison

The Ichtha-Gogs are almost entirely forgotten by the surface dwellers who once sought to eradicate the “fish men” for their appearance and diet. Their paunchy bodies are scaled and extremely slimy. More notably, the heads of an Ichtha-Gog is that of a carnivorous fish with huge eyes long since accustomed to dwelling in the dark depths of the world below.

Perhaps from a long standing taboo on nets, the Ichtha-Gog instead prepare their leather shields with an alchemical concoction that is extremely sticky; A trait that is immensely helpful in their slaving efforts.

Instinct: To capture slaves, food, and sacrifice

– Stick an item or person to its shield

– Slip from all bonds

– Carry off the helpless

For those of you curious about the probability curve of 2d6 vs 1d6+1d8.

For those of you curious about the probability curve of 2d6 vs 1d6+1d8.

For those of you curious about the probability curve of 2d6 vs 1d6+1d8.

Obviously success is more likely. But when pursuing an appetite the d8 will be greater than the d6 60% of the time – which means complications gallor.

Another interesting note is that the d6+d8 is much better for achieving success when checks are made at -2 or -1. And while it is always better to have a d6+d8 for achieving success, the difference in probability of success diminishes as your bonuses increase.

I made a random bonds generator for Dungeon World.

I made a random bonds generator for Dungeon World.

I made a random bonds generator for Dungeon World. Simply grab a few d20s (the sadly neglected die of Dungeon World) and roll away.  _Some assembly required_

Ice Mummer

Ice Mummer

Ice Mummer

Group, Devious

Slam (d6) 13 HP           1 Armor


Special Qualities: Made of ice

The reconstituted frozen remains of a person ritually frozen then shattered, an ice mummer is the agent of what most certainly is a greater evil. Bound to its icy rusted bronze mask, the voiceless ice mummer is a harbinger of its master’s incursion.

Instinct: To obey its master

– Reveal the horror beneath the mask

– Disperse in a whirlwind of ice and snow

– To be its master’s eyes

I’m working on my submission for “Grim Portents” (the name in progress fanzine for Dungeon World).

I’m working on my submission for “Grim Portents” (the name in progress fanzine for Dungeon World).

I’m working on my submission for “Grim Portents” (the name in progress fanzine for Dungeon World). Unfortunately, I’m running out of time. This is what I have so far.


– What urgent errand brought you back to Daedmyre?

– How many villagers were dragged off that first night?

– Who was the first villager to notice the ice mummers?

– How many days has it been since the mountain pass was closed?

– When the moonlight pierced the cloudy night sky, what shape shown on the long frozen lake?


– Wintery hush as wet snow falls

– Methodical crunching of bones

– Moonlit silhouettes of ice men

– A spray of blood on the fallen snow

– A cairn topped with a flat runic stone

– Crowded village great hall with once roaring fire and now roaring voices

– A mother with panicked desperation in her eyes

– Furniture being torn apart for firewood

– Hollow eyes with icy sheen

– Tracks of someone struggling as they were dragged off

– A massive spire of ice bursting from the frozen lake

– A man hastily fleeing the village

– Howls of wolves drawing closer

– Bells of the church ringing in warning

– Mountain pass choked off through heavy snowfall

– Icicles hanging from a wooden sign

– A murder of crows noisily taking flight

– Chittering rats munching on spring’s seeds

– Thump of snow falling from nearby trees

– Trees and bushes encased in thick layers of clear ice

(Family visiting for a week + Smallworld + Bohnanza + Bang! means no game writing for me)

I’m going for a Dungeon Starter, but may settle for something else. If this doesn’t work out, I’ve got a map and a random table to submit.

My third Dungeon World booklet “Take on Dragons” is available for purchase.

My third Dungeon World booklet “Take on Dragons” is available for purchase.

My third Dungeon World booklet “Take on Dragons” is available for purchase. After all what is  #DungeonWorld  without Dragons! There is a preview up at RPGNow [] and a different preview up at my blog [].

I have been working on this with the help of several people; And am interested in fleshing this out more.

I have been working on this with the help of several people; And am interested in fleshing this out more.

I have been working on this with the help of several people; And am interested in fleshing this out more.


Everyone wants to believe something, and you capitalize on that. Subterfuge and persuasion are your weapons of choice. You have spent hours honing your skills of deception and suggestion, deftly mixing aptitude and confidence to achieve your goals.


Halfling: Abe, Linda, Hank, Penny

Human: Saros, Jezel, 

I need some names


Choose one for each:

– Shifty eyes, Laughing eyes, or Trusting eyes

– Fancy hair, Cropped hair, or Messy hair

– Clean clothes, Traveling clothes, or Common clothes

– Well-fed body, Attractive body, or Thin body


Your maximum hit points is 6+Constitution.

Your base damage is d6.


Chaotic – Capitalize on confusion and misdirection

Neutral – Avoid the consequences of a brazen lie

Evil – Manipulate others for your personal gain


Your Load is 9+STR. You start with one dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) and 7 coin.

Choose your treasure:

– A forged letter of marquis

– A fair maiden’s favor

– A ducal ring, obviously not yours

– A treasure map you conned from an angry dwarf

– A letter of credit from a crime lord

Choose your arms:

– Ragged hand crossbow (Near, reload, 1 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight) and short sword (Close, 1 weight)

– Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)

Choose one:

– Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)

– Bandages (3 uses, slow 0 weight)

– Halfling pipeleaf (5 uses, 1 weight)


_____________ still believes every word I say.

_____________ and I have narrowly escaped an angry victim of our con.

_____________ has a secret that I will uncover.

_____________ has thus far kept quiet about past indiscretions of mine.

Starting Moves

Choose a race and gain the corresponding move:

Halfling – When you bluff someone, on a hit you may take from them a small item. The GM will tell you what you get.

Human – When you attack a staggered or confused opponent, deal +1d6 damage.

Slippery Egress – When you attempt to slink away, Roll+CHA.  ✴10+ you’re gone. ✴7-9, you can stay or go, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the GM will tell you what. On a miss, you’re caught vulnerable, half in and half out.

Feint – When you attempt to sucker an intelligent foe in combat, Roll+CHA. ✴10+ pick 2. ✴7-9 pick 1 but you take the sucker’s damage.

– The mark slips and staggers

– You press the mark into an ally’s waiting attack

– An ally takes +1 forward against the mark

Bluff – When you attempt to convince a GM’s character of something plausible, Roll+CHA. ✴10+, they believe you. Their belief counts as leverage. ✴7-9, they believe you though your lie is flimsy. Their belief counts as leverage for the time being. Choose 1:

Once they have time to think about it, they’ll see holes in your story.

If someone else hears the story, they’ll start asking question.

Advanced Moves

When you gain a level from 2–5, choose from these moves.

Alter Ego – With a week of intense introspection and practice, you can craft a personal alter ego that has its own look, clothing, and mannerisms. With a few seconds of concentration you can change to or from an alter ego. You may only have one crafted alter ego at a time. When you first take this move, describe the alter ego you just finished crafting. 

Nondetection – Attempts to magically divine your location, thoughts, or alignment return no information.

Cold Read – When you briefly converse with someone, you may ask the character’s player one of the following questions:

– What here has caught your attention?

– Who here do you most want to interact with?

– Who here do you most want to avoid?

– What one word best describes a secret you are carrying?

Slippery Mind – When you are the target of an enchantment of the mind, you may choose to immediately dispel it without effect.

Noble Mien When you use an Alter Ego that has authority over your mark, take +1 ongoing to Bluff them.

Savage Cunning You can use Bluff and Feint on any creature with animal intellect or higher.

Partner in Crime When someone Aids your Bluff by acting like the shill or straight man, take +2 instead of +1.

Play Possum When you are successfully attacked, you can Feint to convince your attacker they have felled you. If you do, they turn their back on and ignore you. Of course no one goes for this more than once.

Multiclass Dabbler – Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.

Confounding Feint – Add the following to your Feint options.

– The mark stands there and drools helplessly for a few seconds

When you gain a level from 6–10, choose from these moves or the level 2–5 moves.

Cheat Death – Your skills as a liar are legendary, and even Death itself can be fooled. When you would roll for your Last Breath, roll Bluff instead. Your days are numbered, because Death will figure you out sooner or later, but you may just manage to stay alive long enough to figure something else out.

Inceptive Bluff – when you bluff on a 12+ they strongly believe and will convince others of this belief.

Multiple Egos Requires: Alter Ego – You may craft a second alter ego. You may only have two alter egos.

Probe Thoughts: Replaces: Cold Read – As Read Thoughts, but you may ask 2 questions instead of one.

Falsify Detection Replaces: Nondetection – When someone attempts to magically divine your location, thoughts, or alignment, you may choose the answer they receive.

Misdirecting Mind Requires: Slippery Mind – When you are target of an enchantment of the mind, you may choose someone, other than the caster to instead be affected by the enchantment.

Hide in Plain Sight – So long as you remain quiet and mostly still, mundane creatures will overlook you.

Barbed Feint – When you feint on a 12+ you may also deal your damage.

Multiclass Master – Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.

(Originally posted at