Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the…

Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the…

Well damn, I was going to write up about a True Ghoul for Dungeon World but instead wrote a different monster: the Ichtha-Gog Slaver

Ichtha-Gog Slaver

Devious, Intelligent, Group

Spear and bite (d8), 6 HP, 3 Armor

Reach, Close, Thrown

Special Qualities: Amphibious, Immune to poison

The Ichtha-Gogs are almost entirely forgotten by the surface dwellers who once sought to eradicate the “fish men” for their appearance and diet. Their paunchy bodies are scaled and extremely slimy. More notably, the heads of an Ichtha-Gog is that of a carnivorous fish with huge eyes long since accustomed to dwelling in the dark depths of the world below.

Perhaps from a long standing taboo on nets, the Ichtha-Gog instead prepare their leather shields with an alchemical concoction that is extremely sticky; A trait that is immensely helpful in their slaving efforts.

Instinct: To capture slaves, food, and sacrifice

– Stick an item or person to its shield

– Slip from all bonds

– Carry off the helpless