

Heyo! I’m new here, but it’s really cool to see a community built around this stuff! I hadn’t checked out the book until recently, but I fell in love very quickly, and I’m now wanting to really work the cultural Agendas and Principles into how I’m running an upcoming Dungeon World campaign.

I really want to take the initiative in educating myself so that I can really make sure I adhere to the first agenda, to reflect the variety of real life, but it just feels like such a big task that I don’t even know where to start. Do I just pick cultures and try to start reading there? The world is just such a big place, and it feels like one could start anywhere. If anyone has some advice or reflection on how they’ve approached this, I would appreciate it with all my dang heart and soul. Either way, I’m happy to have joined here!

I just posted the cover for my next issue of Session Zero on Patreon and will be posting a sample of the text over…

I just posted the cover for my next issue of Session Zero on Patreon and will be posting a sample of the text over…

I just posted the cover for my next issue of Session Zero on Patreon and will be posting a sample of the text over the weekend. The full text will be released next Wednesday. You can become a patron for $2 or purchase it in a couple weeks on DriveThruRPG for $2.99.


Hey there!

Hey there!

Hey there! I have a question for you about the fights and the thief skill “underdog”. How do you handle bottlenecks? I consider it a 1v1 bottleneck fight to be a fair fight, no matter how many skaven line up. If they can not hit you from behind, you are in the minority but it’s not really a fight against many opponents simultaneously. Do you agree? If Adam Koebel could chip in, I would be super grateful.

Ran FotF 2e this weekend at Pinecon.

Ran FotF 2e this weekend at Pinecon.

Ran FotF 2e this weekend at Pinecon. 3 players – one a regular player of indy RPGs, one who had played a few sessions of D and D before, and then her husband whose first ttRPG was the D&D 5e i had run earlier that day.

We went through chargen and then world building. The chargen directly informed the world, since one of the character’s random items was nautical charts – so they built a peninsula called the Hand and the keep on the Hand that was tasked with fighting off the Kraken people/cult.

Ultimately they set off, and then had an encounter with the Raven Queen – who they thought was their enemy, but then learned was actually the being preventing the Kraken from arising. Sadly, that was after they had “killed” her (actually banishing her back to her pocket dimension). She tasked them with a quest and gave them some boons. Would have been a great start to a campaign.

It was amazing session, and the players loved how much they were invested in the world after helping build it.

One thought – I might put the marketplace right after the chargen rules; or maybe after the spell names table. There is a part about going shopping, and the rest of the chargen stuff is right there – but the marketplace is further on after all the moves and world building.

Here’s the text of the Alchemist move:

Here’s the text of the Alchemist move:

Here’s the text of the Alchemist move:

When you *have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew* you can create three doses of any poison you’ve used before.

I like the idea of moves that allow you to create things like this, but I don’t like the trigger. I would prefer a better trigger that is based on fiction action, not circumstances. I was thinking something more like this:

When you *set out to brew a poison,* describe how you do so, which may include paying a cost described by the GM, and say what effect your poison will have.

What do you think?

Here is a thing I made.

Here is a thing I made.

Here is a thing I made. Free for others to use as well. This is a mostly empty map of goblyn and giblyn caves on the Mystery Island campaign for family.

The girl has suggested that Goblyn’s have large noses and large feet. And that Giblyn’s have large ears and large hands.

You can tell which parts used to be part of the Gromes outpost.

Don’t know if came through with the map as clear as I wanted but there are two and half levels. The Warrens are higher than the main hall. The main hall is slightly higher than the Grome Outpost. The mines are below both of them and have 3 entrances to other levels labelled A,B,C.

This was drawn using a Pilot Fountain Pen. I like how the pen gives different thickness of lines. However they are tricky for a lefty like me to use.

My Goblyn’s are the same as the ones in the book, however they have a few new moves. The explode when they die. They either release a smelly oily nauseous gas that sometimes when meeting a spark actually ignites.

I don’t know what they are mining yet, or what are in the rooms. I do know that 3 of the original Grome rooms are unspoiled.