13 thoughts on “Has anyone here run The Last Days of Anglekite?”

  1. Lowell Francis I can’t seem to access that Pdf. It says it’s not the right format. Might be my android phone acting up though…

  2. hmmm I will share the folder I worked out of ( I ran it a bunch but I don’t take super organized notes) drive.google.com – DWW – Last Days of Anglekite – Google Drive

    The way I handled it was by making it location based adventures, so the first 4 sessions were in Fellbit, the next 4 were in the Necropolis, the next 4 were in the demon city, and the last 4 were in the tower of the Word Fay.

    I always started my adventures in the city of Anglekite, the players and I shared the responsibility of showing how the city changed based on how the last major adventure concluded by answering a series of loaded questions. For example, when spoilers the necropolis escaped into another dimensional space by leaching the life from a great portion of Angelkite, we answered questions about what the dead and empty portion of the city was like (the specific questions are likely in the notes). After doing this, the players would describe what they had been up to since the last adventure (it was often assumed it had been a significant amount of time); this gave them bonuses, then they would be engaged to the next mission to attempt to deal with one of the fronts (I had about 3 active at any given time, but no more than that, otherwise it would have been too much). I looked to the source for a more interesting way the players might travel to the location (for example, I had a cloud merchant take them to the demon city). We adjusted the perilous journey move appropriately. Then after the players arrived at the city, they had about 3 sessions worth of adventure before they either overcame the front or the front came to full bloom.

    I hope some of that is helpful. If you have more specific questions, I would be happy to talk more. I love the Anglekite setting book!

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