Help me optimize this move

Help me optimize this move

Help me optimize this move

“When you pass beyond the fiery gates of Muspelheim roll +CON. On a hit, you pass beyond the gates, but something about you has been permanently altered. On a 10+, tell us what fear or painful memory has been burned away. On a 7-9, as 10+, but something else goes with it, a cherished memory or some beneficial trait.

On a miss, go straight to Last Breath.”

So, my players are down in the massive volcanic city of Ang Khazem, where some crazy linguist-wizard has opened a portal to Muspelheim, the plane of fire.

There’s a chance they’ll try to enter this portal. We’ve established that Muspelheim is where the souls of those that are cremated go, and that this portal is messing with time here. The Firebrand(Immolator) has used this in a ritual. I wanted to come up with a suitable move for if they decide to seek adventure on the plane of fire.

What does Defend look like in your games? Which of these is closer to how it gets used?

What does Defend look like in your games? Which of these is closer to how it gets used?

What does Defend look like in your games? Which of these is closer to how it gets used?

The GM points to a looming threat… there are noises in the dark, outside the light of the camp fire. Sounds like something creeping towards you, goblins maybe? What do you do?

Version A:

The Cleric is like “I heft my shield, ready my mace, and stand in front of Ovid.” Rolls Defend, gets 3 hold.

The Wizard casts light and rolls to cast a spell. “Oh, crap. A miss.” So the GM makes a hard move, and as the wizard starts casting the spell “twang twang” he’s peppered with arrows! Take d6+3 damage, Wizard!”

But the Cleric’s like “no! I spend 1 hold to redirect the attack to myself and another to halve the damage… so… 6 damage, half that is 3, and my 2 armor brings it down to 1. Did the wizard’s light spell go off, or not?”

Version B

The Wizard casts light and roll to cast a spell. “Oh, crap. A miss.” So the GM makes a hard move, and as the wizard starts casting the spell “twang twang” he’s peppered with arrows! “Take d6+3 damage, Wizard!”

But the Cleric is like “whoa, hold up! I jump in front of the Cleric to protect him! Defend?’ Sure, roll it. 10+, so 3 hold. “I spend 1 hold to redirect the attack to myself, another 1 hold to halve the damage. So that’s… 6 damage, halved for 3… less 2 armor. Only 1 damage. Did the wizard’s light spell go off, or not?”

Thanks to Dungeon World Helper you can create different entities ready to be used in your favorite role-playing game.

300+ new table divided in category such as:

Location, Faction, Food, Magic, Monster, Npc, Object, Plot, Settlement, Vehicles and Wilderness

Just a click away!

You have the ability to generate the entity in a completely automatic way or you can have a more personalized creation going to choose point by point and deciding the one best suited to the situation.

Or combine both procedures!

Tap choice’s title to randomize only that choice

Ability to lock/unlock one of the choices holding the title, will remain blocked from emptying and from random generation but still can be chosen by hand

Export feature :



“Usage” page with a little explanation

And if you have any requests (or bug to submit) please don’t esitate to contact me

So this comes from one of the keeper titles that I came up with

So this comes from one of the keeper titles that I came up with

So this comes from one of the keeper titles that I came up with

Last Lantern before the Black Gate.

This small lantern is made of a black matte metal. It is about the size of an apple. Usually found carried on a chain to be worn as a large amulet or from a belt. It is a tiny hooded lantern. Decorated on it is spiraling words almost too small to make out “A light to find your way from the black gate”. These words are written in all the languages of all the beings that have writing. (Spending a lot of time you might be able to find it in your language)

When lit is doesn’t give any light. When held aloft and the word spoken it is lit for a brief moment with a blazing white light. The flame then implodes into the lantern and seems to suck away all light around the lantern. this light shine instead lights the path to the black gate. Any creature who holds it is instantly taken to the black gate and last breath.

I can’t figure out if the bearer should be able to reroll a last breath roll or get +1.

I am thinking reroll. I see this being used when a character is almost dead. So they decide to meet death on their terms. They fictional trigger means you have to

Know the words

Know how to use it

Be able to speak

And be strong enough to hold it alof, but for just the briefest of time.

Help me make this better or give me your opinion on it?

Version 1.2 of Homebrew World Now, with Druids!

Version 1.2 of Homebrew World Now, with Druids!

Version 1.2 of Homebrew World Now, with Druids!

Never heard of Homebrew World before? Read about it here:

Updates of Note:

* Druids!

* Formally added in the “Have What You Need” move an other moves related to Supplies (see here for explanations

* Reworded various Backgrounds to reference Have What You Need

* Reorganized the basic, violence, and optional moves. You spend most of the game with your character sheet “open” and having to flip to the back to see the Basic Moves was annoying.

Got questions or feedback? I’d love to hear them.

Feel free to share far and wide!

A player of mine is playing the Fighter, and has the whimsical concept of a grizzled, scarred veteran who finds…

A player of mine is playing the Fighter, and has the whimsical concept of a grizzled, scarred veteran who finds…

A player of mine is playing the Fighter, and has the whimsical concept of a grizzled, scarred veteran who finds peace through the art of cooking, which he learns from a sensei-type samurai ghost living in his knife (don’t ask).

I was looking around for a good cooking based CC, especially one that evokes martial art chef tropes like the excellent God of Cookery movie, but couldn’t find any good ones. So I made my own, using Anglekite CCs as inspiration.

I quite like it, but I’m not sure of a couple of things:

I’d love to get feedback!

– I’m not sure about the STOCK mechanic, bc the way to refill it is pretty passive. Not sure if I should ditch it.

– Is the core move straightforward enough, or is it too complex as written?

– Any suggestions for other moves / tweaks?

EDIT: Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Have changed the class and linked it below. For the Core Move, Flaws have been ditched and a Hit heals, regardless. All Base moves are now character-development questions, for consistency.

Looking for some inspiration!

Looking for some inspiration!

Looking for some inspiration!

I’ve got a small group of 2-3 (depending on who shows up) players who are really new to tabletop RPGs in general, but seem to love Dungeon World. I am certain at least the paladin and ranger will attend, the 3rd player will be new if she shows up.

I did a first session where they infiltrated a castle where a party was in progress, stole a coveted weapon and barely escaped with their lives. They loved that session.

The second session was more typical “hack and slash” encounters while they made their way home with that treasure, and while they felt OK (especially the ranger who rolled absolutly exception on all his rolls) they told me afterwards they felt it was less fun than the first session.

For the third session, they found they need to go find an ancient artefact.

What i’m looking for is interesting situations that one could find themselves in, trying to find a hidden and/or protected treasure, that don’t (neccesarily) involve combat. These guys really seem to like puzzeling / strategizing, more so than just murdering everything they see.
