So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several…
So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several hosts at once. My idea was to have the hosts get stronger as the demon’s essence gets more concentrated. this is what I have.
Possessed Guards (25-13), Horde, Organized, Cautious
Gladeus: 1d6,
2 armour, 3 hp
His weakest form, with power so dilute, the host may as well be a mind-controlled human. Instinct: To infiltrate and sow Chaos
* Surround them casually
* Seize someone
* Kill off a problem
Possessed Guards (12-6) Group, Organized, cautious
Gladeus: 1d8+2 Forceful, close
2 armour, 6 hp
Hivemind, demonic
More concentrated, the demnos preternatural strength and speed show themselves now Instinct: To massacre opposition
* Brutalize someone
* Break their line
* Spread the taint
Possessed Guards (4-2). Solitary. Planar, Divine
Terrible claws: 1d10+4, 1 piercing, Messy, Forceful
3 armour, 14 HP
Truly demonic now, their form twists to reflect the demon within, and its power flows freely from them. Instinct: To unleash destruction
* Blaze with hellfire
*Smash something to peices
*Take on new vessels
The demon Incarnate. Solitary, Planar, Divine, Large
Blazing Brass sword: 1d12+6, 3 peircing, messy, forceful
Hellfire bolts: 1d12 +4, forceful, flaming, ignores armour
4 armour, 22 HP
Special qualities: winged, 4 armed.
The final host twists and roils, muscles and bones growing and expanding, new limbs exploding from their torso, until he takes on the demons true form
* Let loose hellfire
* Open a gate
* Spread to new hosts