Weaver in the Darkness (Solitary, Small, Magical, Stealthy, Planar, Amorphous)

Weaver in the Darkness (Solitary, Small, Magical, Stealthy, Planar, Amorphous)

Weaver in the Darkness (Solitary, Small, Magical, Stealthy, Planar, Amorphous)

Consume life (d12 damage) 15 HP

Close, Near

Special Qualities: Amorphous, Undead, Harmed only by magic or magic weapons

“A coldly shining, hueless globe, round as a puffball and large as a human head, had risen from the fissure and was hovering above it like a mimic moon. The thing oscillated with a slight but ceaseless vibratory motion. From it, as if caused by this vibration, the heavy humming poured, and the light fell in ever-trembling waves.It seemed that the light and sound were woven upon the senses… like some Lethean spell.” -Clark Ashton Smith

Custom Move: When you first gaze upon the Weaver, ROLL+INT.

@ On a 10+, you ignore its enthralling enchantment!

@ On a 7-9,: You take -1 ongoing while distracted by its siren lights and song.

@ On a 6-, you’re transformed into a living immobile statue as long as the Weaver is present.

Instinct: Drain Life

Enthrall Victims

Charm bystanders

Weaves illusions

Consume corpses

Haunts tombs and crypts

Based on Clark Ashton Smith’s “Weaver in the Vault”