Dungeon World question on affecting the behaviour and actions of characters and other things:

Dungeon World question on affecting the behaviour and actions of characters and other things:

Dungeon World question on affecting the behaviour and actions of characters and other things:

My problem: AW doesn’t really let you affect the emotional state (the S&M move comes close but still) of fellow players’ characters without them playing along, and their actions even less. DW looks like a whole lot different and not in the best way.

If you look at the Charm person spell:

“The person (not beast or monster*) you touch while casting this spell counts you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.”

or the Dominate spell:

“You gain 1d4 hold. Spend one hold to make the target take one of these actions: (…)”

These pretty much dictate their attitude towards you and their actions, in this order.

When I compare the former with the following:

“A monster is any living (or undead) thing that stands in the characters’ way.”

I get the idea that in DW, PCs are not less controllable than monsters even with the basic manipulation move being only againgst NPCs.

*And thirdly, yeah. What does this dualism mean? Everything is monster except the PCs. So what does “beast or monster” mean? I mean, I suspect this is just badly worded, but if they are not monsters, they must be persons as they are the very characters of the players.

Any thoughts on these?

Relevant to none of you, but my copy of the book (along with my shirt) is now waiting at my post office for pickup!

Relevant to none of you, but my copy of the book (along with my shirt) is now waiting at my post office for pickup!

Relevant to none of you, but my copy of the book (along with my shirt) is now waiting at my post office for pickup! Finally! Canada Customs can roll + suck it.

Your opinions are encouraged:

Your opinions are encouraged:

Your opinions are encouraged:

I’m considering making a Sword & Sorcery hack and setting for DW, something like a blend of Hyboria and Nehwon.  I know there are a couple Hyborian/Conan AW hacks, but I want it more DW-ish.

1. The only PC race is human.  How should I handle racial moves?  I’m inclined to let them pick any racial move that doesn’t involve non-human features.

2. Alignments are gone.  What should I use to replace them?

3.  How should I handle spell casters.  I’d prefer to do away with any sort of blatant spellcasting, however, I want to keep rituals.  I’m thinking to allow greater multi-classing options.  Maybe something like ‘pick 2 classes, you may freely choose moves from both.’

4. I’m sure I want the musician aspect of The Bard gone for this, so the class would really just have some moves available for multi-classing.  As for the Druid, I’m not sure if they could fit as is, or are too overtly magical.

Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?

Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?

Question from someone: What stops a Wizard from just blasing trolls with 5 fireballs and 3 magic missiles?


1. The Trolls

2. Time

3. Screentime 

The same things as in any story or movie. 

4. The Rules. You won’T 10+ every of those moves