This is something I’m sharing with my players, so I thought I’d share it here too.

This is something I’m sharing with my players, so I thought I’d share it here too.

This is something I’m sharing with my players, so I thought I’d share it here too.

Often there are a lot of stats that might make sense for Defy Danger, so how do you frame what you’re doing appropriately? Well…

+str: Say what you’re trying to push, and what you hope doesn’t break. (feel free to get metaphorical. Your barbarian may be trying to push the merchants around and hoping he doesn’t break the peace)

+dex: Say what you’re racing against, and what you can’t do to win. (either can’t as in incapable or can’t as in unwilling)

+con: Say why you could do this all day, and why you really don’t want to.

+int: Say what fact your plan hinges on, and why you can’t possibly be wrong. (The “possibly” is in massive, massive sarcasm quotes.)

+wis: Say what you’re focusing on, and what you mustn’t ignore.

+cha: Say whose sympathies you’re playing to, and why they should even care.

Also, when you’re rolling to aid someone, say what you’re putting at risk to help them.

#RangerWeek  – Is this move a good idea?

#RangerWeek  – Is this move a good idea?

#RangerWeek  – Is this move a good idea? 

New Ranger Level 6-10 Move 

Shared Bond 

You get a new Bond 

_____ and my animal companion really have bonded 

The person named in that bond can use the Command move with your animal companion. 

A while ago during Druid Week, there was some discussion about Elemental Mastery.

A while ago during Druid Week, there was some discussion about Elemental Mastery.

A while ago during Druid Week, there was some discussion about Elemental Mastery. What do people think about a bigger version of this move? Something that lets you conjure up a natural disaster, maybe also requiring Weather Weaver too?




Compendium Classes for the aspiring Ranger 

Hey Ranger fans! 

I just thought i’d share a few compendium classes fitting for a Ranger. 

The Wild One

A Ranger that starts to behave more and more like his animal companion and who forgoes civilization to get closer to their wild side. 

The Giant Killer 

A hunter of giants and other large humanoid creatures.

The Arcane Archer

For the bow-ranger that just wants something extra 

This place is severely lacking in the most awesome fantasy race of all time: orcs.

This place is severely lacking in the most awesome fantasy race of all time: orcs.

This place is severely lacking in the most awesome fantasy race of all time: orcs.

Hunting is one of the great traditions of orc society, and skilled hunters and trackers are always held in esteem among all orc clans. A orc ranger trains his animal companions to be as fierce as himself. His animal companion gets +1 ferocity, but it does not get an extra strength from this bonus.




Greetings fellow Dungeon Worlders. I’m relatively new to DW and bran spanking new to using G+, so forgive me if this information has already been discussed. I’m looking for ideas on how to do large scale engagements in DW with something other than the wave of a hand.

I like the basics of Apocalypse World, where gangs are just a trapping that a character wears to augment himself. I’m thinking of going that direction. But, I wouldn’t necessarily mind something more abstract, like a move that involves commanding troops in battle.

Thanks for your insight!

Unstated moves

Unstated moves

Unstated moves

Something (maybe) interesting to ponder. Jason Morningstar was working on a custom move and some conversation came out that this kind of thing is a completely valid move;

When you eat the black berries from the tree in the Druid’s Woods you die.

Which led me to think there are actually a ton of moves at play in DW that aren’t written into the game but that reflect the causal reality of the universe. Things like “when you don’t eat for a long time, you die.” or “when you drop an object, it falls”.  Things that are only illustrated by custom moves that negate them.


How come the Bard doesn’t have any advanced moves to improve their Bardic Lore?

How come the Bard doesn’t have any advanced moves to improve their Bardic Lore?

How come the Bard doesn’t have any advanced moves to improve their Bardic Lore? Would gaining another area of expertise be a good idea for another move for this class?

Getting back to our DW campain started a while ago.

Getting back to our DW campain started a while ago.

Getting back to our DW campain started a while ago. I’m really excited! I’m thinking about custom moves for my threats, and I wonder if you guys had come up with some similar custom moves :

– One demonic foe with the appearence of a noble Lord has a suggestion-like power. I’m thinking of move like “When you oppose to the Lord’s will while he stares at you, roll Wis”. On a hit, you do it, ok, but on a 7-9, you take -1 forward, unless you resign. But that’s not really cool.

– Did someone come up with a nice custom torture move?

– How about a custom move when the players are the target of a “Pain and Suffering” spell? A simple -1 is so boring…