Here’s a first pass at compiling the trove of example GM moves y’all suggested in my prior post.
Here’s a first pass at compiling the trove of example GM moves y’all suggested in my prior post.
I’ve done very limited editing and tried to attribute moves to their sources. Comments/suggestions are enabled, so if you want to change something you wrote or have a suggestion, feel free to add them there (or here, either’s cool).
Also: Please keep suggestions coming. Plenty of GM moves in that doc have only 2 examples, and we could really use some more straightforward cases. Also, a variety of situation types (exploration, combat, interaction; being sneaky; getting sneaked on; dealing with traps and weird magic; etc.)
I haven’t done any real curating yet, nor have incorporated examples from any extant sources (the DW Guide, Suddenly Ogres, etc.), but I plan to do that eventually.
I’ll likely end up with two documents:
1) This one, which is basically a grab bag of examples provided by/found in the community
2) A “curated” one, that tries to really demonstrate some “classic” examples of each move, the range of soft/hard on each, and different situations.