Anyone discovered any 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lvl spells yet?
Anyone discovered any 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lvl spells yet?
Anyone discovered any 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lvl spells yet?
Anyone discovered any 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lvl spells yet?
Anyone discovered any 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th lvl spells yet?
Hi, I don’t know if this was allready asked and I can’t find a search option in the google+ app so i just ask :
Hi, I don’t know if this was allready asked and I can’t find a search option in the google+ app so i just ask :
Wizard move prodigy.
Does a lvl 5 spell become a lvl 3 spell?
How do you play out stakes questions? do you just ask the players?
How do you play out stakes questions? do you just ask the players?
I asked this before but didn’t get a satisfying answer and now since there are over 2000 members I’ll try it again 🙂
I asked this before but didn’t get a satisfying answer and now since there are over 2000 members I’ll try it again 🙂
the players killed a succubus which was wearing a magic ring.
what can it do?
Wow, over 2070 members allready 🙂
Wow, over 2070 members allready 🙂
I remember this forum not long ago barely reaching the 600 🙂
Just wanted the share this:
In all this years of roleplaying, I started 1985 or 6 , it was all about rules, rules and more rules.
Not at the beginning, because it was like magic was happening and I was even dreaming about whatwas going on in the game (so my parents told me because I was talking in my sleep:)
But just a little bit later I was the GM and reading the rules.
And that was it, it was all about the rules.
Discussions about how you could build in a rule to avoid a blow in D&D etc.
This went on and on and on for years.
D&D, AD&D, Midgard (a german rpg), Shadowrun, Savage Worlds, Earthdawn, Exalted, Hell on Earth, D&D 3rd/4th/Pathfinder, Elric/Stormbringer (my favorite Novels btw).
I always liked dark fantasy like elric and dark sun.
I never found the right rules systems for these settings.
As a fan of 4e I hated how Wizard abandoned 4e and then I heard about 13th Age.
I spend the money and waited until it was being developed.
Meanwhile I discovered Dungeon World and thought I´ll give it a try
and see if my players like it.
After reading the rules, in which I had a hard time recognizing I did it all wrong and how to throw all my rpg habits down the drain, we finally had a session and everyone was blown away.
We all, especially me, re-learned how to play rpg and got the magic back 😀
My players are 99% casual and 1 person hardcore gamer ^^
Everyone! likes dungeon world !:)
YES, DW rocks!!! and 13th age has to go to the shelf for a while 😀
DW is the masterpiece (not like I mentioned in a wotc forum 4e ^^)
Thanx for having back my fantasy gaming.
Thank you Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel.
(and according to my girl friend …unfortunatly I´m snoring in my dreams ^^)
Why is it that some NPC’s are missing their stats?
Why is it that some NPC’s are missing their stats?
High Priest, Noble, Tinkerer, Merchant, Hedge Wizard to name a few?
how much hold can i spend at once?
how much hold can i spend at once?
if i defend and have 3 hold can i spend all 3 hold at the same time?
I don’t know if this was asked before but last weekend we had the chance to play DW the first time, the fighter lost…
I don’t know if this was asked before but last weekend we had the chance to play DW the first time, the fighter lost his weapon and wanted to box/knee his opponent who was holding a sword. Hack&slay move?
Another question: How would you handle the situation when same fighter wants to hold his opponents weapon arm and disarm him?
What kind of magic ring would a succubus wear ? 🙂
What kind of magic ring would a succubus wear ? 🙂
One of my players wants to play a dark elf priest. Any idea for a racial move?
One of my players wants to play a dark elf priest. Any idea for a racial move?