Embrace the Fantastic!
http://killsixbilliondemons.com/?comic=kill-six-billion-demons-chapter-4Embrace the Fantastic!
Embrace the Fantastic!
Embrace the Fantastic!
Embrace the Fantastic!
http://killsixbilliondemons.com/?comic=kill-six-billion-demons-chapter-4Has anyone had any experience with Sixth World – the hack of Shadowrun?
Has anyone had any experience with Sixth World – the hack of Shadowrun? I’m interested in taking our group back to Sea-Tac, but I’m not sure it’s the right hack for our players… #Shadowrun #SixthWorld
I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs.
I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs. A few of the classes have Moves that are separated from the Starting Moves list – such as the Cleric’s Turn Undead.
Anyone see any reason why this was done? They seem to count as Moves, just like any other…
Our Bard’s player is leaving the country for good next week, so we decided on one last DW session.
Our Bard’s player is leaving the country for good next week, so we decided on one last DW session. The rest of the crew decided we would tilt narrative in the Bard’s favour and give him an epic send-off. Some highlights:
The Bard shot an arrow at the sky and hit for maximum damage, earning him the name “Sky-slayer”.
Even after being pincushioned by a dozen arrows, he managed to single-handedly kill the two dozen halfling ninjas that loosed them!
The Bard maliciously destroyed the one piece of leverage the party had over the cabal of evil wizards, turning a negotiation into a tense stand off.
The Bard is now the proud owner of “Cat and a Bowl of Grapes”, one of the wizard-overlord’s amateur paintings.
Good times.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone… may all your rolls be 10+ (or 6- so you can mark XP)!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone… may all your rolls be 10+ (or 6- so you can mark XP)!
Even though these sketches come from a D&D session, I thought you Taverners might enjoy them!
Even though these sketches come from a D&D session, I thought you Taverners might enjoy them!
I’ve been building my Dangers this week and there’s a couple of them that don’t really fit into the Types as…
I’ve been building my Dangers this week and there’s a couple of them that don’t really fit into the Types as outlined in the book.
For instance I have a scheming socialite that’s been causing the PCs some grief. She’s going to end up being a key villain, even though she’ll likely never act on her own; she’s the woman behind the curtain.
Right now I’ve got her listed as a “Corrupt Government”, but that seems like all sorts of wrong. Has anyone had any experience with designing their own?
I’m running some friends @ work through a DW campaign, but I’ve got a rotation of player characters that show up.
I’m running some friends @ work through a DW campaign, but I’ve got a rotation of player characters that show up. I decided to make each session episodic – they’re exploring the perilous catacombs beneath a major city. Each session ends with the PCs back on the streets, and the next starts with whomever shows up back in the catacombs (like a mini first session).
Anyhow, I made these tiles to help randomize the dungeon each time. The stack is placed face-down and each time a PC nears one of the 8 exists, a new tile is drawn and the players decide which facing the new tile will be placed with! Then I get to make a move…
I’m considering starting a Kickstarter for these tiles but wanted to find out if this is something people would even want!
A bit late for #MagicItemMonday, but…
A bit late for #MagicItemMonday, but…
The Staff Of Infinite Interns
close, two-handed, 1 weight
Any sorcerer knows, it’s not like it used to be – when every blacksmith’s son was eager to take on an apprenticeship in hopes of a better life. Nowadays, any simple peasant can pass the entrance exam to a community college – most of which have at least one hedge mage in the faculty. Even worst wizarding students demand titles and paychecks directly upon graduation. What’s a poor wizard to do?
When the staff is held aloft and the command word is spoken, it vanishes in a cloud of nebulous dust which then coalesces into a random hireling. The hireling looks, acts, and feels just like any living being; they require food and shelter. Upon summoning, the intern believes this to be the first day of their internship. If the hireling is ever grievously injured, they disappear in another cloud of dust and the staff reappears in their place.
Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.
Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.
It’s meant for D&D 4th, but is easily converted to DW!