I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs.

I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs.

I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs. A few of the classes have Moves that are separated from the Starting Moves list – such as the Cleric’s Turn Undead.

Anyone see any reason why this was done? They seem to count as Moves, just like any other…

5 thoughts on “I’ve noticed something peculiar about the Playbook designs.”

  1. First off, I read that as a layout thing; moves “start” on the right-hand column but often there’s an empty bit of space in the first column, and if all of a class’s basic moves don’t fit on the right, it’s a good space for overflow.

    If they aren’t moves (and I’m not saying they aren’t) then it might insulate them from being picked as part of multiclassing.

  2. I think it’s just to utilize the space. I find it awkward so I try to stay away from doing that in my playbooks. I have started actually putting gear underneath the bonds to fit more moves or other tables on the second page.

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