The move Balance is one I have never had a druid in my games take. My question about it is, how much Balance have you allowed a druid to accumulate in your games?
The move Balance is one I have never had a druid in my games take.
The move Balance is one I have never had a druid in my games take. My question about it is, how much Balance have you allowed a druid to accumulate in your games?
What are some of your favorite monsters that aren’t in the basic Dungeon World book? Mine are:
What are some of your favorite monsters that aren’t in the basic Dungeon World book? Mine are:
Umber Hulk
Mind Flayer
Had a great one shot last night when not all of my usual group could show up.
Had a great one shot last night when not all of my usual group could show up. The players played a goblin thief, human brawler, elf-ish skydancer, and an elf druid. The thief and brawler were crooks working for a crime boss that was entirely made up by the thief, as in he had convinced the people they were getting money from that there was a crime boss when there wasn’t. The skydancer was their scout and lookout and the druid was working with them while out on her “world exploration” journey.
They made a city called Necromunda, which was so big that it’s eight districts were each the size of a normal fantasy city. They had sent a messenger NPC named James to “negotiate” with a new tavern owner. James told them the barkeep would only pay them if the thief and brawler went in person.
Well that ended up being a trap by the local thieves guild. The highlights of the game:
– The brawler treating being poisoned like any other bender every time he got poisoned.
– The thief being punted off a roof and landing in a dumpster by the big bad, masked thieves guild leader, Red Death.
– The local brothel mistress revealing herself to be a vampire when the group finds out the location of the thieves guild hideout, directly under the graveyard she and her brood were ousted from.
– The thief making a deal with the vampiress to clear out the thieves den and remove the wards keeping her and her sisters out.
– The druid spending half the session as a surprisingly useful dog-sized spider that put the brawler in a constant uncomfortable state.
– Everyone having to climb up the spider-druid’s web rope that was thereafter referred to as the “anal cord”.
– The group facing Red Death and his goons in a trapped room and doing great with dodging the traps.
– The skydancer matrix dodging every crossbow bolt they fired at her.
– The fight with the “pet” black pudding that ended up with it engulfing Red Death just when all of his firebombs he was carrying went off, killing it and him.
– The brawler beating the crap out of a guy while the vampires did their slow motion “cool walk” past him.
– The thief finding out Red Death was James the whole time.
I love this game.
Another poll for my spell compendium!
Another poll for my spell compendium! I’m writing the Wish spell and need to know what everyone thinks. Should it have a list of effects it can produce, or should it be open to any wish? The spell mentions how dangerous it is, since the outcomes can be disastrous. I feel like that would be more true if there were no limitations to what someone wishes for. Let me know what you guys think!
Another question for my spell book project.
Another question for my spell book project. What does everyone think about the old D&D spells and how they kind of crossed classes at time? Like how both Wizards and Clerics could cast Hold Person, Summon Monster, or Animate Dead? Would you want to have those spells show up in both the Arcane and Divine spell compendiums I’m working on? Let me know in the poll!
I’m currently working on a project that involves a lot of spells.
I’m currently working on a project that involves a lot of spells. My question to you all is, do you feel it is necessary to put the -1 to cast a spell in the description of every spell that has the ongoing duration, or is the ongoing duration enough to realize that? I did include an asterisk on the first instance that says “if a spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell while it is still in effect”
Has anyone ever dropped wands into their game?
Has anyone ever dropped wands into their game? Like old school D&D wands. If so, would you think that they would require DEX to use? (Complex and dexterous movement to get the spell to activate)
Hey everyone, just wanted to see where everyone stood on something.
Hey everyone, just wanted to see where everyone stood on something. In my games I tend to allow people who attack a distracted or unaware enemy without rolling hack and slash, but I realized I have never had to address someone shooting something that was unaware unless it was the Ranger using Called Shot. Do you all let other characters who are attacking unaware targets from range just roll damage like with a Hack and Slash or do you have them roll Volley unless they are the Ranger? Also, I tend to have spell casters roll Cast a Spell even if the target doesn’t know they are there. Do you have any opinions about that as well? I look forward to hearing from you all! And I hope you had a happy holiday!
I’m interested to know if anyone else has come up with alternate versions or “subspecies” of the normal monsters in…
I’m interested to know if anyone else has come up with alternate versions or “subspecies” of the normal monsters in Dungeon World. My specific example was my alternate Ogres I made for a campaign where a god had made different colors (or breeds) of Ogres to perform different roles in his army. I had Reds, Greens, Blues, Blacks and Grays, along with the rare two-headed Ogres which sometimes were two colors, split down the middle. Some of these were better for direct combat, some were magic proficient, others were immune to magic, etc.
So what variants have you all made for your games?
Question to the community.
Question to the community. When you get a pdf of a new class, what kind of content do you want with it? A flavorful introduction, a section about how it’s moves are intended to function, items to compliment it? Or do you just want to get the character sheet and be done with it? Let me know what you look for in your new playbooks!