Monster block elements in order of importance (to me). Does your priority list differ? Tell me about it.
1. Name: e.g. Beholder, not “Theodore,” a good name can conjure up a picture. If I have to, I can totally bullshit the rest. Come up with moves and quick stats, that is.
2. Moves (and/or Instinct): what does it do? Some might say Instinct here and I sympathize with that. The point is I need to know how it behaves. Moves and instincts both do that in different ways, but I see moves as a bit more useful/layered.
3. Stats: when is it dead, how much damage does it do? This is so easy to build on the fly that it’s almost not important.
4. Tags: I look here if I need to know something in context. How many more will show up if I use the creature’s “call for reinforcements” move? Is it intelligent enough to know that the wizard is casting spells? Is it planar or magical or religious?
5. Description: this is more for thinking away from the table. It often gives me ideas about stories to build around the creature.