I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was…

I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was…

I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was a long time in the works. This pack covers the classic four races: human, dwarf, elf, and halfling. Each race works kind of like a compendium class, and has 11 total new moves (three starting, four 2-5, and four 6+) that work with any class playbook.

I put everything in a bundle to save money for those who want it all, but others can buy whichever races they want/need at the moment. Flexibility!

Next in the series will be orc, gnome, cambion, and dragonkin. I’ll be putting out a request for feedback when the drafts are ready. There are five packs of four planned, with a possible sixth, so a lot of options are on the horizon (20-24 races total). I hope you all enjoy Dungeon Races!


All the reworked bonds and new races and alignments from my Playkit Plus are now in a 1-page table reference.

All the reworked bonds and new races and alignments from my Playkit Plus are now in a 1-page table reference.

All the reworked bonds and new races and alignments from my Playkit Plus are now in a 1-page table reference. People kept trying to access the old draft (I got so many emails, seriously), which is still linked on dieheart. Anyway, I figured since there are so many designs for the core playbooks I would update the draft (I finally had the time) so you all can use whichever playbook design you like best and along with the new stuff I wrote.

If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as…

If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as…

If a player buys a wagon, do you assume it comes with something to pull it, or do you require they buy a horse as well? It confuses me that the cart comes explicitly with a donkey but the wagon lacks a horse or pony at triple the cost.

A big ol’ update for Playkit Plus came out this month.

A big ol’ update for Playkit Plus came out this month.

A big ol’ update for Playkit Plus came out this month. Besides some tweaks and fixes the update includes some new pages: steading generator, hirelings, equipment, and instant npcs. Each are 1-sheet additions in order to keep the clutter at the table to a minimum.

For those who don’t know, Playkit Plus is a redesign of the DW playkit that includes useful changes like expanded racial moves, reworked bonds, and detailed starting gear. The whole thing is PWYW (pay what you want).

Side note: I was super proud the kit was included in the recent DW Syllabus, which if you haven’t seen is totally worth a look: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ORjM3sxhQrwNI_chlNzYFMD5OFHj7u-Rs_gY4kHkzO0/edit


Someone posted a neat new steading type over on the DW subreddit and I thought you all would find it interesting too.

Someone posted a neat new steading type over on the DW subreddit and I thought you all would find it interesting too.

Someone posted a neat new steading type over on the DW subreddit and I thought you all would find it interesting too. It is basically a mini-steading of a noble’s manor which can be a regular steading or a sub-steading within a city, town, etc.


Looking for people for a second round of feedback for my races project (human, elf, halfling, dwarf).

Looking for people for a second round of feedback for my races project (human, elf, halfling, dwarf).

Looking for people for a second round of feedback for my races project (human, elf, halfling, dwarf). Please indicate clearly in the comments if you are interested.

The project treats races a bit like compendium classes, mainly focusing on generic racial move options usable across different classes: a few starting ones, four 2+, and four 6+ moves.

I’ve been working a project to treat races sort of like compendium classes and the first four drafts are ready.

I’ve been working a project to treat races sort of like compendium classes and the first four drafts are ready.

I’ve been working a project to treat races sort of like compendium classes and the first four drafts are ready. Anyone interested in taking a look at them and providing feedback? FYI, the first bunch consists of human, elf, halfling, and dwarf (the classics).

I’ll wait a few days to give people a chance to see this post before I send out the links.

I finished the new playbook template and playkit!

I finished the new playbook template and playkit!

I finished the new playbook template and playkit! You can get the redesigned playkit (named Playkit Plus) with added race moves(16 new moves), reworked bonds, and other neat stuff over on DriveThruRPG. More details are in the product description, and there is a changelog linked in the playkit for anyone who wants the full scoop.


The new playbook template is a Google Doc, CC-BY, and comes is 8.5×11 and A4 size:

8.5×11 playbook template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hF0WFHyVkPVv9Tmt1c6c-I0qyttR5gn3pGSvt38vyZs/edit?usp=sharing

A4 playbook template:


I can’t guarantee it will display right on your computer, Google Docs just is that way unfortunately.

I hope you all like the playkit and the template, and thanks to everyone who helped out by providing feedback.


New races, alignments, and reworked bonds for core playbooks:…

New races, alignments, and reworked bonds for core playbooks:…

New races, alignments, and reworked bonds for core playbooks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G9038XyUa-0Fvg5q8ML3kQNurzPUz82uTLdO10f1bP4/edit?usp=sharing

This is a continuation of the playbook template project I posted about some months back (I had a serious injury that slowed me down). You can view it here if you want: https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonWorld/comments/44ng55/new_google_docs_based_class_playbook_design/

I’m almost done now with the whole playkit! I’m submitting these major changes to the wider community, but I’m also looking for anyone who is interested in looking over the whole playkit to spot check and give feedback (message me or leave a comment indicating your interest).

Every playbook will have a total of 3 alignments and 4 races, basically adding to the preexisting ones. And I reworked the bonds to more closely follow the structure outlined in the rules on writing bonds.

When the project is done, I plan to release the playkit on DriveThruRPG as pay what you want, and the Google Doc template will be released for anyone to use for their own playbooks.