So I thought about this one a bit ago, mainly because my Visual Novel World has an adventuring component that relies…
So I thought about this one a bit ago, mainly because my Visual Novel World has an adventuring component that relies somewhat heavily on Dungeon World rules.
Originally shared by Josh C
Suppose I wrote a book called Visual Novel World based on the character creation of Class Warfare and featuring an Adventure Mode based loosely on DW combat, but uses Cool, Hot, Smarts, Sports, and Weird as the attributes (with max being +3 as usual).
It occurs to me that players as it stands can have an infinite amount of stuff, baring only my personal restraint on handing out gear. I gave everyone 9 “picks” at the start of the game (or at least up to 3 picks per Archetype), but that says nothing about what they can carry. So I was thinking a quick and easy way to fix it is to give the starting 9 “slots” plus a factor of… Sports? Cool? Both? Either? Blood (the higher of Sports or Cool, +3)?
If it’s Sports and Cool, then characters could have up to 15 slots assuming a factor of 1, or 18 for a factor of 2.
If it’s one or the other, a factor of 2 gets me 15 slots and a factor of 3 gets me 18
If it’s blood, then a factor of 1 gets me 15, but a factor of 2 gets me 21
What would a slot be?
>>>An infinite number of yen notes
>>>100 coins
>>>3 ammo
>>>A number of slots equal to an armor’s natural armor rating
>>>1 slot for one handed weapons, 2 slots for either 2-handed tag, +1 slot for Clumsy
>>>Somewhere between 5 and 15 pounds depending on if an item is large and bulky, or small and easily pack-able
Should I bother?