Are there any very short descriptions out there of each class?

Are there any very short descriptions out there of each class?

Are there any very short descriptions out there of each class? As wonderful as they are, the introductions in the text to the playbooks are so long. I’m looking for a sentence or two is all (something that will not take a lot of time to read to the table).

6 thoughts on “Are there any very short descriptions out there of each class?”

  1. I wrote these for my group last year.

    – Barbarian: Crazy melee berserker, must fulfill his “appetites” for destruction, lust or greed

    – Bard: Musical genius, writer of local histories, buffs allies and debuffs enemies

    – Cleric: Holy warrior, has book of spells, heals and easily destroys undead

    – Druid: Is one with the land, can transform into a variety of animals and has a small, powerful pool of spells

    – Fighter: Highly trained professional killer, wields a customized weapon

    – Paladin: Holy knight, represents their deity, unleashes justice on those who would do evil

    – Ranger: Legolas-type, has a permanent customizable pet, expert at sniping and hunting

    – Thief: Stays in the shadows, uses poisons to disable and kill, expert at stealing and backstabbing

    – Wizard: Warps reality. Has a spell for every occasion

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