“You are very different from other people. You don’t know why fate, the gods, or maybe a malicious spirit cursed you like this. You were born with darkness in your blood, you can mould it to your will. It is your very flesh and bones.
You are the Shadow Hunter.”
This guy hunts in the shadows. He IS the shadows. When he Dances with Shadows he is almost invincible, but when he returns to material substance he is vulnerable.
So stay in the shadows. Don’t be seen. Attack without warning and disappear again. Don’t be caught in the flesh!
Did someone purchase or played with these playbooks and would care to share their comments (please no Author’s…
Did someone purchase or played with these playbooks and would care to share their comments (please no Author’s commercials, I am interested in an unbiased opinion)?
Guys, anyone have a better list of spells for the wizard?
Guys, anyone have a better list of spells for the wizard? or an updated one? ‘Cause really, modst of he high level spells for both the casting classes (priest and wizard) are very, very “meh”.
I recreated my Arcane Archer as a Class Warfare specialty. I put it into the Magician since it has the best synergies there. The most obvious things would be to either go
Arcane Archer + Magician Specialty for extra Spells + Sharpshooter to focus more on the magical and utility side or to go with a Warrior base of
Sharpshooter with Arcane Archer (you don’t need much else in the beginning although Veteran, Friend of the Wild or Bounty Hunter make sense). Other choices are certainly valid though. Maybe Blue Mage, Arcane Archer and Friend of the Wild for a kind of Arcane Ranger. Martial Hero might also be interesting to look at.
Right now I have one 6-10 move too many so please tell me wether Soulbow or Covering Fire fit better or if both can stay. I am not completely sure on that point yet. If you have a cool idea for a Halfling racial move I would be happy too.
Also tell us any cool other combinations you can think of. Maybe with Shadowmancer and Shadow?
Class I put together over an evening, so probably very rough around the edges.
Class I put together over an evening, so probably very rough around the edges. The general idea was for a proper nature mage – I like Druids, but since DW’s focuses so heavily on the animal aspect of it, I figured the earth and its spirits needed some more love.
Do you remember the little contest we had a while ago to choose three new classes to add in the second edition of the Italian manual?
I can finally show you the illustrations for the winners in their full glory.
How you like them?
The Witch from Jacob Randolph
The Kobold from Shadi Alhusary
The Spellslinger from Adrian Thoen
Art from Michela Da Sacco
Originally shared by Narrattiva
Siamo felici di annunciare che la seconda edizione di Dungeon World e la nuova uscita Inverse World saranno distribuiti nei negozi in esclusiva da Manicomix Distribuzione ( http://www.manicomix.it ) , assieme agli altri titoli del catalogo Narrattiva, a partire da Lucca comics & Games 2014.
Potrete quindi trovare i nostri giochi nei negozi Manicomix, Games Academy, e non solo. Dungeon World seconda edizione e Inverse World saranno inoltre a doppio marchio (Narrattiva/Manicomix).
Per celebrare questa nuova collaborazione, in occasione di fiere, manifestazioni e presso i negozi affiliati troverete in esclusiva la Strega, nuova classe giocabile all’interno sia di Dungeon World che di Inverse World, illustrata e colorata da Michela Da Sacco. Armata di grandi poteri magici, pozioni e il suo fidato manico di scopa, è pronta a gettarsi nell’avventura! Come userai questo enorme potenziale?
La Strega introduce due elementi caratteristici di Inverse World, Guida e Peculiarità, ma non preoccupatevi: ne troverete una breve spiegazione anche all’interno della seconda edizione di Dungeon World.
Annunciamo anche le due nuove classi che saranno incluse nella seconda edizione di Dungeon World:il Coboldo e l’Arcanero con le bellissime illustrazioni sempre di Michela Da Sacco.
Il Coboldo è una creatura che solitamente siamo abituati a non considerare seriamente, ma che può diventare una risorsa preziosa per il gruppo, esperto nell’arrangiarsi e in grado di sopravvivere in condizioni avverse. E, perché no, di mostrare al mondo che i coboldi non sono da sottovalutare.
L’Arcanero è ciò che sta all’incrocio fra mago da battaglia e cowboy. Armato di rune, bacchetta e pragmatismo (e magari un fidato destriero), forse cela un cuore d’oro sotto al cinismo… o forse farai meglio a guardarti le spalle.
Speriamo che troviate queste nuove classi interessanti e divertenti da giocare!