When can we expect the final pdfs? I’m stoked to see all the new art!
When can we expect the final pdfs? I’m stoked to see all the new art!
When can we expect the final pdfs? I’m stoked to see all the new art!
When can we expect the final pdfs? I’m stoked to see all the new art!
When can we expect the final pdfs? I’m stoked to see all the new art!
In the new “See What They Find” move, what do the numbers under Discovery and Danger mean?
In the new “See What They Find” move, what do the numbers under Discovery and Danger mean?
Hello. I ran across The Perilous Wilds and Freebooters on the Frontier after the kick-starter ended. That being said, it seems there are draft rules or ‘previews’ for non-paying members of the interested community. I have a game today and really want to implement some of the basic ideas of it. Can Jeremy Strandberg Jason Lutes/ +anyone link that for me? thanks.
Here’s a version of the Ranger that’s been updated to use the rules in The Perilous Wild. Key changes:
Here’s a version of the Ranger that’s been updated to use the rules in The Perilous Wild. Key changes:
– The animal companion is reframed as a follower
– The human & elf moves are rewritten to work with the exploration moves in Perilous Wilds
– A number of the advanced moves are similarly rewritten
Feedback welcome & appreciated! Questions too!
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0lFq3ECDQDQUVJMMEMxLVlibjgHey, those of you who have used or just read through the Followers rules.
Hey, those of you who have used or just read through the Followers rules… *how would you handle a treacherous follower?*
I’m thinking about an NPC who the GM knows is trying to join up with the PCs with the intent of eventually betraying them.
If the GM doesn’t give you their follower stats or let you use the follower moves for/on them, you’ve got all sorts of metagame warnings that this NPC can’t be trusted.
If the GM does give you their follower stats and lets you use the follower moves, isn’t the GM effectively lying to you? What, then, does their Loyalty stat represent if the GM knows they intend to betray you?
I’m inclined to treat them like any other Follower, but:
1) Drop soft moves that bring their motives into question
2) Reveal their true motives/betrayal as a hard GM move, either when the fiction leads to it or a 6- to Command Followers.
Does that seem fair? Any better ideas?
Seemed appropriate.
Oglaf is funny and very NSFW.
http://media.oglaf.com/comic/rangerron.jpgAt my hometown brewery making some cool areas for your game:
At my hometown brewery making some cool areas for your game:
Mounds of Honor:
An ancient battlefield covered with the tombs of fallen soldiers. Ghosts of both armies continue to battle despite the attempts to placate them with a proper burial. The reason for the war is forgotten.
Shattered Moor:
Cloudbanks drift across this high altitude swamp built into the caldera of a dead volcano. Massive broken statues stand from the swamp. No other structures seem to have been built though some say the statues are hollow and contain vast riches.
The Silver Dunes:
this desert of fine white salt/sand blinds travelers with its brilliance. The bed of an ancient sea it is populated with fossils and haunted by the ghosts of ancient sea creatures.
The sun’s light Savannah:
South of the silver Dunes this endless expanse of head high grass is broken only by the rare baobab tree. What structures might might be hidden under the swaying amber fields is a mystery but this land was made flat for some reason.
Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?
Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?
While many settlements will be truly independent, others may have (or owe) allegiance to a particular group or power.
p.s. Sites of worship or power may also have allegiance, in this case to a god or some other power.
It seems like there is no “Priest” equivalent in the Follower list, and no mention of how a follower might help with…
It seems like there is no “Priest” equivalent in the Follower list, and no mention of how a follower might help with healing. Is this intentional?
Awesome book!
Really like the vibe of what I’ve seen so far.
Really like the vibe of what I’ve seen so far. However, reading the draft, one thing has struck me as slightly odd regarding the moves associated with certain sites – Ghost Hollow as an example. It seems to me that the 7-9 results should be used for 6-, and that there should be some mid-level result (maybe with a player choice) at 7-9. Maybe someone else has already questioned this and you’ve explained and I just didn’t see.