Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?

Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?

Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?  

While many settlements will be truly independent, others may have (or owe) allegiance to a particular group or power.

p.s. Sites of worship or power may also have allegiance, in this case to a god or some other power.

3 thoughts on “Have you thought of adding an Allegiance tag for settlements?”

  1. Could the existing Oath tag cover that same ground? Or does “oath” maybe feel too specific a word? I’ve been using it occasionally to indicate allegiance to things besides other steadings.

  2. Lol, just noticed how that reads. What I meant is: Reuse is great and I think you’re right about ‘oath’ being too specific – no ‘in this case’ about it.

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