Does this work as a magic item?
Does this work as a magic item?
The Nightingales Blade hand, 2 Piercing, thrown, near, weight 1
The nightingales blade was believed to be forge by the god of thievery and tricky, many thousands of years ago, a gift to the King of Thieves. Rumour has it that it grants the user with longer life.
Life drain
When ever you roll hack and slash or Backstab on a 10+ choose 1, on a 7-9 choose 2.
• Recover Hit Points equal to half the damage done rounding down. or
• Recover Hit Points equal to the damage done, and mark of a charge.
• Bloodlust you must attack another opponent or mark of a charge.
• Draw unwelcome attention to yourself.
The blade has a total of 5 charges, to recharge it once a day you must stab yourself with the Blade.
Can someone suggest changes.
(There will be some more items coming)