Hey all,
I am a web developer and just purchased dungeonworlds.com to host Dungeon World content! Currently it is under development but what sort of content would you like to see? Already have adventures and fronts in mind and there will be a place to post your own fronts and adventures
I’d love to see a detailed, fillable Front planner or other organizational tools. And ideas, ideas, ideas… from NPCs to adventure hooks, starting questions, fantastic scenes/locations, etc. Maybe even session recaps to draw ideas from. Cant wait! Let us know when it’s up.
I’m confused (it happens to the elderly), but doesn’t this site host “adventures and fronts?”
Yep and I hope it continues too! It is a great community
Although I find the lack of free adventures a bit troubling. With other RPG’s we see (D&D, Pathfinder, etc) you find a slew of adventures and it got me thinking… it may be that there are no real good tools for planning them out. I am aiming to build those tools
Hoping that more people will post their adventures on the site. Heck, ill continue to post content in this community well after the site is launched
I love you guys 
I think you’re referencing my comment but not sure. Just in case, my point was that ideas that aren’t fully developed adventures or Fronts are still useful.
Hey Clay, no I wasn’t referencing your post but I do agree that unfinished items would be fine. Maybe have the ability to set a percentage done? like “How much left until completed? 55%”
Personally, if we could have a section for other *World games I would be stoked.
There are plenty of communities for the other *World games. Primarily, the Apocalypse World/powered by the apocalypse community is the one to post on (since everything is derived from it). Otherwise, an Apocalypse World community exists, as does a Monster of the Week group. I haven’t checked on Monsterhearts or Saga of the Icelanders though.
if you talk to Sage LaTorra , he can give you info about the wiki, which is currently under construction, and will be a place for compiling items, monsters, and playbooks.