I just discovered the power of reveal an unwelcome truth. Entire adventures can spawn from that one 
I just discovered the power of reveal an unwelcome truth. Entire adventures can spawn from that one 
We just finished the one-shot session, Bastien Wauthoz, Eric Nieudan and I, and I had nothing planned beforehand, yet it seemed as though this simple DM move just created an entire adventure.
What I came to the table with was an idea about starting out with a battle between airships, because hey… Airships! What happened was rather different.
I told the players that people we’re yelling outside and that there was some sort of trouble. They leave the inn, where they had both slept after a long journey, to find out a halfling girl had been murdered.
Naturally they ask questions like; “What happened to her?”. It sounded like they were studying the situation, so I told them to roll discern realities. A miss! So I revealed the unwelcome truth that something powerful had torn her in half (no, I didn’t get any “quarterling” jokes).
I didn’t know what had done it, but they later got the opportunity to ask “what should we be on the lookout for?”, and first thing that came to my mind was “werewolf or owlbear?”, so I just went with the latter.
Now we have a cult of demon worshiping humans and halflings, who’s leader is making experiments on animals to reshape them into the image of their birdheaded god (his symbol was a bird skull).
This has been an amazing session, and I hope we can end this adventure at a later time. They went back to town to gather supplies and hire some extra hands, meaning that it is an excellent point in the game to introduce new players, as they both suggested.
This was fun! Just wanted to share a great experience