Okay. My first session of DW happened this Friday. Myself as the GM. It was hard. Very hard.
I can say a lot of it was down to my poor preperation. I was confused as to what moves actually were and there were cases where a player wanted to grapple an NPC but I had no idea which move to use. I also had problems keeping everything in my head at the same time. Thinking too much about stats, not enough about the GM principles and moves.
I had a slight problem because I had to GM a group of 5 people. Which I realise now is one too many. As well as that most of my players refused to read, listen and kept on talking. Incessantly.
One of the players was playing a fanatical paladin. This player dominated the group. Whenever anything was going on, he did it. I put a small and incredibly simple puzzle down for the thief at the table, who was the quietest of the group, just to draw attention away from him, but it took at least ten minutes after the paladin had asked me (several times) if there were any guards around (the thief’s task was to unlock a city gate) before the thief piped up and said he had something which could unlock the gate.
Basically what happened was that the idea I had for the adventure was totally hijacked by a domineering (both in and out of game) paladin who lead the group on a journey to deliver divine judgement on some poor, unwitting, desperate soul.
I wanted to ask:
How do you GM a good adventure with a person like that at the table?
Should I care about the stats? Or more about the narrative?
P.S. The paladins roleplaying was excellent, though.