Hello, friends.

Hello, friends.

Hello, friends. My podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, just wrapped up our first year and our first Dungeon World campaign. I’ve compiled all five episodes at the link here (I’ve shared some of the episodes here in the past), and I’d love for you to check it out!

Next year it looks like we’ll mainly be giving D&D 5e a try, so this might be our last bout with DW for a while. Please give it a listen and I’d love to hear your feedback!

You can also find all episodes to stream or download on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, TuneIn, and other popular podcast apps.


Too Cool For Tabletop is now weekly, so here’s Chapter 2 of the Dungeon World mini-campaign we started in Episode…

Too Cool For Tabletop is now weekly, so here’s Chapter 2 of the Dungeon World mini-campaign we started in Episode…

Too Cool For Tabletop is now weekly, so here’s Chapter 2 of the Dungeon World mini-campaign we started in Episode #007. More bear facts, more useless cleric, and perhaps even the soiling of shorts.


Welcome to the podcast where I force disinterested friends & family to play tabletop roleplaying games in order to prove that no one is, in fact, Too Cool For Tabletop. Available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and more!


Too Cool For Tabletop is back with the first session of our mini Dungeon World campaign!

Too Cool For Tabletop is back with the first session of our mini Dungeon World campaign!

Too Cool For Tabletop is back with the first session of our mini Dungeon World campaign! Episode #007 of the podcast begins our first ever campaign (not a one-shot!) and I’d love to hear your feedback!


You can also find us on iTunes, Stitcher, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts!


My game group started streaming our Dungeon World campaign a couple of sessions ago, and tonight we’ll be streaming…

My game group started streaming our Dungeon World campaign a couple of sessions ago, and tonight we’ll be streaming…

My game group started streaming our Dungeon World campaign a couple of sessions ago, and tonight we’ll be streaming our third. If you’re interested in seeing some Class Warfare characters in action, check us out tonight at 7PM CST at www.twitch.tv/rickityraou!

Ahoy, Tavernites!

Ahoy, Tavernites!

Ahoy, Tavernites! Episode #004 of my podcast is now up! It wasn’t supposed to be live until Monday, but I will be out of town for the next several days and didn’t want to leave everyone hanging.

In this episode, our pop star-themed Dungeon World characters dig into some undead as they try and uncover the hidden truth of the mysterious, ghostly village. Everyone keeps being ridiculous and I keep audibly groaning at their antics. All in all, it’s pretty damn funny. Listen here or on iTunes! Thanks!


If any of you folks are keeping up with my podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, Episode #003 is now available!

If any of you folks are keeping up with my podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, Episode #003 is now available!

If any of you folks are keeping up with my podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, Episode #003 is now available! This is my favorite episode yet. My guests create characters based on Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and Nicki Minaj (with anaconda companion, Kanye) and proceed to make me roll my eyes and groan with displeasure as they completely derail my Dungeon World one-shot.

Listen to it here, or find us on iTunes and other popular podcasting apps!



A few of you checked out my tabletop podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, so I wanted to let you know that our first…

A few of you checked out my tabletop podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, so I wanted to let you know that our first…

A few of you checked out my tabletop podcast, Too Cool For Tabletop, so I wanted to let you know that our first bonus episode is now available. We dig into Class Warfare to create a character based on Taylor Swift. One of my guests next week really loves T. Swift, and we wanted to play a gag on her.

Find us on iTunes or at www.toocoolfortabletop.com!


I hope this is allowed here!

I hope this is allowed here!

I hope this is allowed here!

I recently began a new podcast called Too Cool For Tabletop where I convince friends unfamiliar or uninterested in tabletop games to play a game with me to prove that no one is too cool for tabletop.

We have four episodes at the moment with the last two featuring actual play of Dungeon World. I will be uploading a bonus episode on Monday where my co-host and I dig into Class Warfare.

You can listen to us on iTunes and other podcasting apps. For more ways to listen, behind-the-scenes photos, and my dumb rantings visit my website at www.toocoolfortabletop.com.

I’d like to note that this isn’t a typical gaming podcast, the emphasis is more on how people unfamiliar with these games behave when playing. We banter back and forth and try to make it entertaining to listen to.

I’d love to hear some feedback! Both actual play episodes are ~1.5 hours long. Thanks!


Spent my Labor Day working on a new class with the Aurors from Harry Potter in mind. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Spent my Labor Day working on a new class with the Aurors from Harry Potter in mind. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Spent my Labor Day working on a new class with the Aurors from Harry Potter in mind. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Has anyone put out anything regarding new moves and spells for taking the character’s up to level 20?

Has anyone put out anything regarding new moves and spells for taking the character’s up to level 20?

Has anyone put out anything regarding new moves and spells for taking the character’s up to level 20?

My group is halfway through Chapter 4 of 6 of our campaign and they’re all levels 6 and 7. I have woven their personal backstories into every nook and cranny of this campaign and they don’t want to see their beloved characters go. I am working on the next campaign and decided to create my own moves and spells, but was curious if this had already been done.