Recently I found myself struggling with the “Down Time” moves in DW. Bolster, Recover, Supply, etc. are all fairly boring “non-moves” that just describe how things happen. There is no trigger, just a lot of GM handwaving when people come to a consensus that “yeah we take a few days off” (or shudder, a month). In addition, so many of the downtime moves are so straightforward, I thought they could just be combined into one comprehenseive move.
SO! I made an “R&R” party move! Let me know what you think!
“When your party takes some time off, roll + days spent. Every player should choose one from the list. Only one roll needs to happen for the entire party. Regardless of outcome, the party heals completely and can purchase any readily available items.
– Restful Care: On 10+, heal 2 debilities. On 7-9, heal 1 debility.
– Preparations: On 10+, gain 2 hold. Spend hold to add +1 to any roll (max +1). On 7-9, gain +1 forward.
– Shopping: On 10+, discover how to obtain a hard to get item. On 7 – 9, you discover something similar, but not quite what you wanted.
– Catching up: On a 10+, find someone you know. On 7-9, you find them, but things are complicated
Remember, your enemies don’t take time off. Things deteriorate without your intervention, but on a miss, your enemies make significant progress in their goals…”