Aaaaand the gripping conclusion of Gauntlet Con 2018’s long-con of Stonetop.
Aaaaand the gripping conclusion of Gauntlet Con 2018’s long-con of Stonetop.
Really, it’s just the first half that’s “gripping” and a conclusion (but it was gripping!).
The second half shows off some of the most Stonetop-ish stuff of Stonetop: the return home, the reactions of friends and neighbors, how the PCs interact with each other between adventures, the turn of seasons, and the pursuit of steading improvements.
Many props to the players for fully engaging in that part of play, even though we only had a couple hours and it was obvious that we wouldn’t get to see the fruits of their efforts.
Thanks, Horst Wurst, Tyler Lominack, Greg Gelder, and David LaFreniere! I had a blast.