I’ve been running DW with two or three players recently.

I’ve been running DW with two or three players recently.

I’ve been running DW with two or three players recently. To begin with this was not by choice but now I’ve come to really enjoy it. My feeling now is that DW is better with just two or three. Four is okay but not as good. This has been a revelation to me, especially because I tend to get quite a bit of stage fright before running a game (“I haven’t done enough prep”, “this is going to be boring for the players”). I feel empowered and liberated as as GM!

Just wanted to say that. 🙂

4 thoughts on “I’ve been running DW with two or three players recently.”

  1. GM + three players is my personal preference. I can keep a better mental grasp on what’s going on with three characters – with four, I feel like I always end up neglecting one of them somehow.

  2. My first foray into DW was with just two PCs and it was magical. I think you are correct that 3 is the sweet spot. You can really get into more relationship and backstory angles when you don’t have so many players to manage. After watching Castlevania yesterday I had this thought confirmed, that totally could have been a DW party.

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