Hello everyone, I’m going to run a one shot of Knives in the Dark in about an hour. Two players are in, and I’m opening it up for two more players if anyone’s down.
First come, first serve!
Hello everyone, I’m going to run a one shot of Knives in the Dark in about an hour.
Hello everyone, I’m going to run a one shot of Knives in the Dark in about an hour. Two players are in, and I’m opening it up for two more players if anyone’s down.
First come, first serve!
It had been a while since I played a live, Dungeon World campaign, but I’m finally playing again.
It had been a while since I played a live, Dungeon World campaign, but I’m finally playing again. This is my first time playing a Paladin, and now I can say I’ve played all the cores.
Meet the exiled elves and the followers of Zawa, as they venture south into the desert of Eternal Summer.
Thank you Damian Jankowski for being our brilliant GM, and thank you Kaillan Reukers, Ian Francis, and Rory MacLeod for playing such awesome characters alongside Lux!
Here’s a three-part, anniversary AP for a game I ran a year ago for Eadwin Tomlinson, Isa Wills, Penda Tomlinson,…
Here’s a three-part, anniversary AP for a game I ran a year ago for Eadwin Tomlinson, Isa Wills, Penda Tomlinson, Simon Burdett, and Matt Smith.
It’s crazy how time flies. Coincidentally, the campaign was called The Saga of Time and Seasons.
Adventures on Dungeon Planet question – does the Technician’s starting move, Command of Robots, extend to PC robots?
Adventures on Dungeon Planet question – does the Technician’s starting move, Command of Robots, extend to PC robots? If the Technician rolls a 10+, does the PC have to obey their command, or does it make sense to give them a chance to resist, since they’re PCs and a bit more special than ordinary NPC robots?
Johnstone Metzger
It’s technically already Tuesday my time, but I was practicing some digital painting and wanted to showcase an item…
It’s technically already Tuesday my time, but I was practicing some digital painting and wanted to showcase an item from one of my ongoing DW games for Magic Item Monday.
The Bone Wand of Beshi or The Bone Wand of Beshlanishutli
A cursed bone wand from the Jungle of Beshi, it was originally crafted by Beshlanishutli, King of Devils and Sultan of Death. It attracts any undead within near range and glows a bright teal color whenever undead are nearby.
Certain undead creatures (nightwing, ghosts, banshees, possibly more) may be absorbed by the wand which cause its runes to light up with the same, teal glow. Anyone capable of summoning or manipulating the undead may then draw them back out of the wand.
I haven’t quite figured out what happens when all three runes are fully glowing, but I’m sure it will be terribly evil and detrimental.
It’s also indestructible and unable to be lost or thrown away. If whoever is carrying it attempts to do so, it just comes back to wherever it was stored.
In the game I’m running, the PCs are on a quest to keep the wand from falling into the hands of Beshlanishutli, his demon offspring, and his minions. Since the PCs can’t destroy it, lose it, or throw it away, the only means they have of getting rid of it is by imprisoning it in a special box deep within an ancient, underground temple dedicated to Beshlanishutli.
Richard Robertson Vinney Cavallo Patrick S.
On behalf of the Collegium Arcana of Aetheron, the members of the Seven formally invite new recruits and adventurers…
On behalf of the Collegium Arcana of Aetheron, the members of the Seven formally invite new recruits and adventurers to help save Aetheron from it’s downfall!
Greetings Tavernites!
Is anyone looking to join a fresh adventure of an ongoing DW PbP (play by post)?
We’re into our third adventure and short on players. Our GM just had a baby, so Gillian Wiseman has taken over as GM, but we’ve also lost a few players too recently and could use a few more.
We started out with 7 PCs that were, appropriately, members of the Seven, who were working for the Collegium Arcana of the floating island city of Aetheron. A set of powerful, magic crystals are needed to keep Aetheron afloat, but its supply has ran out, and we only managed to nab one in our last adventure.
With no more crystals in the world, our PCs have to travel to other planes of existence to find more crystals and save Aetheron from falling (literally).
Current PCs include an Ettin Wizard, an Elf (as in the class), a Human Druid, and either our existing, Human Thief / Planeswalker (the CC is being worked on atm) or a brand new class / Planeswalker.
There’s room available for 3 more PCs – first come, first play!
The PbP site we’re playing the game on is http://www.gotexp.com/
Forum registration is 100% free. If anyone is interested, either comment here or send a PM to me or Richard Robertson.
http://www.gotexp.comJohnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it…
Johnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it before: in Adventures on Dungeon Planet, for the Technician’s 1st Level operation, Laser Beam, if the PC runs the operation successfully and deals damage, do they deal class damage AND what’s listed in the tag (+1 damage for each level you have), or is it 1 damage for every level you have, stacked? Would a 2nd level Technician deal 1d6+2 or 2?
What happens when a retired, Dwarven Gladiator, a Halfling Fighter, and a Human Thief all get captured, imprisoned,…
What happens when a retired, Dwarven Gladiator, a Halfling Fighter, and a Human Thief all get captured, imprisoned, and forced to fight for their alleged freedom against other, surviving prisoners?
Throw in a minotaur, an old regime in disarray, a cult following belonging to a Naga Princess, her sister, a Medusa princess, and their mother, the alleged queen of the new regime that took over the city – and what do you have?
Another DW game full of sheer awesome!
Many thanks Matt Smith Ben Jarvis and Kaillan Reukers for playing and bringing badass PCs to the table. I had a lot of fun running this game for you all.
Kaillan Reukers I hope you enjoyed your first game of Dungeon World!
Perhaps we’ll try and make a 2nd Session happen sometime; either way, I’ll definitely run more impromptu games in the future.
I remember seeing an alternate Bard (or improved Bard?) class floating around, but I don’t have the link to it.
I remember seeing an alternate Bard (or improved Bard?) class floating around, but I don’t have the link to it. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? #bardweek
My girlfriend got a badass birthday present, and I had to share it here!
My girlfriend got a badass birthday present, and I had to share it here!
No – it’s not the hammer I’m wielding. Just look at what I’m wearing!