Johnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it…

Johnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it…

Johnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it before: in Adventures on Dungeon Planet, for the Technician’s 1st Level operation, Laser Beam, if the PC runs the operation successfully and deals damage, do they deal class damage AND what’s listed in the tag (+1 damage for each level you have), or is it 1 damage for every level you have, stacked? Would a 2nd level Technician deal 1d6+2 or 2?

7 thoughts on “Johnstone Metzger I have a question for you (or anyone else that can answer), and I apologize if I’ve asked it…”

  1. We’ve been running it as class damage + 1 per level,  1d6+2 in your example.  It works well for us in play and Im pretty sure this is what the wording intended.  Hope this helps.

  2. Awesome, that does, thank you. That’s how we’ve been running it since Session 1, too, but I looked at the rules again the other day and started second-guessing myself. 

  3. Oh, it also means if the Fighter picks up the machine that has this operation in it and successfully uses it, she does her own damage: 1d10+your level damage, plus anything else she has.

  4. Wait, so if a Fighter does pick it up, they can use the move Operate Machines, even though they’re not a Technician?  Oh, very cool. Good to know. Thank you guys for the responses! I’m glad we were doing it right this whole time.

  5. It says on page 37, last line of Technical Prep Work: “If someone else operates one of your machines, they can only run the operation once and must defy danger to do so correctly.” So you have a lot of leeway for how it happens. Maybe they can even find a way to use it more than once!

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