Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Do you ever ‘hold’ hard moves on a 6- for use at a later stage?
Do you ever ‘hold’ hard moves on a 6- for use at a later stage?
What are the pros and cons?
I am really enjoying the Discern Realities podcast, especially how it is split in short self-contained sections.
I am really enjoying the Discern Realities podcast, especially how it is split in short self-contained sections. Do you know any more podcasts with the same level of quality?
A mechanized workflow to run the DW loop.
A mechanized workflow to run the DW loop.
Originally shared by Ivan Vaghi
These notes I made to run DW could turn out to be useful to run it solo as well.
What are the rituals that have been used in your games?
What are the rituals that have been used in your games?
When do you think is correct to skip forward in time to the next interesting scene in Dungeon World?
When do you think is correct to skip forward in time to the next interesting scene in Dungeon World?
I was thinking how well dungeon world codifies GM procedures through agenda, principles, gm moves and I am now wondering if it also encompasses “time moves” or if there is value in doing that.
By time moves I mean narrative expedients such as summarising what has been happening, jumping forward in time to skip the boring bits etc.
So, what awesome Rituals have you used in your games?
So, what awesome Rituals have you used in your games?
Has anyone come up with a list of rituals?
Has anyone come up with a list of rituals?
Since rituals are different for each story world.. What about a list of rituals used in your campaign?
Isn’t the fighter’s move Through Death’s Eyes far too powerful?
Isn’t the fighter’s move Through Death’s Eyes far too powerful?
When you go into battle, roll+WIS. On a 10+, name someone who will live and someone who will die. On a 7-9, name someone who will live or someone who will die. Name NPCs, not player characters.
What does qualify as battle?
How do you deal with ‘instant death’ situations in DW?
How do you deal with ‘instant death’ situations in DW?
– your PC is tied up
– your PC is on a rope bridge and it gets cut
– falling from an airship