Question on Last Breath

Question on Last Breath

Question on Last Breath

I can’t work my head around the last breath move and making Death a common occurrence in the setting. It feels too terrypratcheresque to me.

How do you guys handle it once your characters keep meeting death? What does death ask of them? Why? Do the characters talk between them about it?

Does anyone use alternative rules?

Sage LaTorra, Adam Koebel, I see that you are also avid DCCRPG players and Torchbearer supporters.

Sage LaTorra, Adam Koebel, I see that you are also avid DCCRPG players and Torchbearer supporters.

Sage LaTorra, Adam Koebel, I see that you are also avid DCCRPG players and Torchbearer supporters. What kind of different experience do these games give you compared to DW?

I guess this is a “tell me how system matters” kind of question.

Question: how do you model a monster that is particularly agile and dodges in combat?

Question: how do you model a monster that is particularly agile and dodges in combat?

Question: how do you model a monster that is particularly agile and dodges in combat? extra hp? extra armor? how can it be a move?