Boom! Arrived today. Chuffed to bits.
Boom! Arrived today. Chuffed to bits.
Boom! Arrived today. Chuffed to bits.
Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a…
Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a great time. Right, stupidly early in the morning here, so need some shut eye. Catch up again tomorrow.
Another riveting session of DW was had tonight.
Another riveting session of DW was had tonight. Thanks again to Misha Polonsky for DMing part two of the three arch story, and welcome Matt Smith & Simon Burdett to the fray.
We begin session three with our rag tag band of heroes staring slack jawed, as swirling Vortecies begin to form within two giant pillars ahead of them. What horrors will spew forth from the netherrealms, hell bent on devouring the very souls of our companions, or worse…
A big thank you to Misha Polonsky for running our first ever DW hangout game.
A big thank you to Misha Polonsky for running our first ever DW hangout game. It was great fun and I’m looking forward to session II.
First game of DW played last night. Character intros at the beginning were a blast.
First game of DW played last night. Character intros at the beginning were a blast.