Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a…

Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a…

Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a great time. Right, stupidly early in the morning here, so need some shut eye. Catch up again tomorrow.

One thought on “Thanks for another great game Misha Polonsky The gang Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett and I had a…”

  1. You’re more than welcome, Isa Wills Eadwin Tomlinson Penda Tomlinson Simon Burdett  Get some sleep, though! Dream of the awesome adventure your characters actually made it through! And in one piece (relatively).

    Summary for Part 3/3 of The Giant Magi and the Stag coming real soon.

    This has probably been the most epic adventure I’ve had the pleasure of running. Thank you guys again!

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