


Some spells from our game.


Fling something nearby that is loose and of substance at a target a long distance away. Target and those nearby take d4+2 damage. Near or Far.

Pile of Gold

You create the illusion of a huge pile of gold. Affected creatures find its lure irresistible and while playing in the pile are oblivious to their surroundings. Any range up to Near. Ongoing.

o All creatures friendly to the caster perceive the illusion and are unaffected.

o Affects half-dozen creatures of low intelligenceperception, e.g., goblins and raw guardsmen.

o Attacking an affected creature breaks the spell for all.

o Unintelligent creatures don’t know what gold is and are thus unaffected.

Weight of the Road

You increase the weight of your opponent’s equipment causing them to slow their movements. Any range but Far. Ongoing.

o The movement of a few creatures is greatly slowed.

Summon Wolf Pack

The wolves of the Far North are known to you and you to them. They will heed your call to fight.  Ongoing

o A pack of normal wolves will attack as directed. The pack will disperse when it has sustained its last hp or the spell is ended.

o The pack has your stats, does d4 damage, 3hp and 1 armor.

Note each spell is the province of a particular Order. As the caster rises in level, the spell increases in power and/or options. 

The spells presented above are the 1st level version of each.

Another Thief question – Why isn’t there a move(s) for Hide in Shadows, Move Silently or Climb Walls?

Another Thief question – Why isn’t there a move(s) for Hide in Shadows, Move Silently or Climb Walls?

Another Thief question – Why isn’t there a move(s) for Hide in Shadows, Move Silently or Climb Walls? These three skills seem pretty iconic.

>>Tricks of the Trade

>>Tricks of the Trade

>>Tricks of the Trade

When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll+DEX. On 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7–9, you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.<<

In the above Thief move, how is the “GM will offer two options” phrase supposed to be interpreted? Is it two of the three listed options, i.e., Suspicion or Danger, or two options for one of the listed options, e.g., Suspicion – Lady Anne may have seen you steal the purse or King Lon knows you stole the purse.

I am working on some new spells and have a bit of a quandry. I am not sure the “correct” way to write them in DW.

I am working on some new spells and have a bit of a quandry. I am not sure the “correct” way to write them in DW.

I am working on some new spells and have a bit of a quandry. I am not sure the “correct” way to write them in DW.

For example here are two versions of a Bog spell

1. You create a large bog that slows the movement of man-sized or smaller creatures that enter it.

2. You create a bog that slows the movement of up to six man-sized or smaller creatures that enter it.

Both have virtues.

Number 1 is more fictional but potentially ambiguous ( how many man sized creatures can fit in the bog, how many small creatues equal one man sized creature?)

Number 2 is a bit less ambigous, but perhaps not fictional enough.

So what is the correct balance to strike?

Related to yesterday’s discussion number of allowed spell levels – What would be the great harm of not requiring…

Related to yesterday’s discussion number of allowed spell levels – What would be the great harm of not requiring…

Related to yesterday’s discussion number of allowed spell levels – What would be the great harm of not requiring spell memorization? The number of spells castable would remain the same and the Wizard would still be restricted to known spells.

This is the base stat assignmentdistribution as given in DW

This is the base stat assignmentdistribution as given in DW

This is the base stat assignmentdistribution as given in DW

>>Assign these scores to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)<<

This is a total of 73 stat points.

Due to player request in am considering a pool of 75 stat points to be assigned as the player desires. 

Anyone try similar character attribute “generation” variations? Maybe even rolling some dice to determine attributes? 🙂

I’ve a personal bias against any class acquiring wizard spells simply by multiclassing into it.

I’ve a personal bias against any class acquiring wizard spells simply by multiclassing into it.

I’ve a personal bias against any class acquiring wizard spells simply by multiclassing into it. To my mind Wizardry is a learned skill acquired after years of study, apprenticeship and practice. Barbarian Joe simply acquiring “Cast a Spell” on level up, doesn’t pass the sniff test. 

To correct this I present the Madwand (with a strong tip of the hat to Roger Zelazny):

“You have no organized or formal training but somehow have learned to use magic. Maybe you were the apprentice of some hedge wizard, maybe you are a natural talent who can see magic and pull its strings, or maybe you discovered your abilities in some ancient tomb. Whatever the origin, you can wield magic.”

Cast a Madwand Spell (replaces “Cast a Spell” on the Wizard playbook)

When you Cast a Madwand Spell, roll +INT.  On a natural 12 the casting is a major success resulting in maximum or bonus effect (GMplayer decide). On 10+ the spell is a success. On 7-9, the spell is cast, you lose the spell, and choose one: 

• You draw unwelcome attention to yourself. The GM will tell you how.

• You suffer the effects of lingering backlash:  take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next time you Prepare Spells.

• Take 1 Wound due to extra strain or harm caused by your own magic.

On a natural 2 you suffer an intense Arcane backlash causing you to botch the spell (lose the spell) and the GM chooses two.

The move below is also on the Madwand “Starting Moves” list

Person or Place of Power

A PersonPlace of Power plays a large role in your magic and theyit remain important to you. Once per year (at least) you feel compelled to visit to reconnect with your Source and perhaps gain further magical insight. You care about the well-being of your PersonPlace of Power and will aid if the need arises.

I am not really in love with this move (although I do think the name is groovy) and not sure where or how I would…

I am not really in love with this move (although I do think the name is groovy) and not sure where or how I would…

I am not really in love with this move (although I do think the name is groovy) and not sure where or how I would use it, but its been banging around in my head all day so I am just going to write it and walk away.

You should see the Other Guy: When you Hack and Slash and draw your opponent close, take all his damage – and then deal all of your damage.

Now I feel better 🙂