Hi everybody! I come from an Italian forum where a player asked a question about the Paladin move Setup Strike:
Hi everybody! I come from an Italian forum where a player asked a question about the Paladin move Setup Strike:
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Setup Strike
When you hack and slash, choose an ally. Their next attack against your target does +1d4 damage.
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It never happened to me during my games, and that’s why I’m asking here. The question is: if the Paladin does two or more hack and slash moves in series, does this +1d4 bonus stack together?
Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!
Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!
This time the theme of our issue was “Steam & Gears”.
Originally shared by Mondo Sotterraneo
USCITA Mondo Sotterraneo n. 3 “Vapore & Ingranaggi” maggio 2014
Questo terzo numero di Mondo Sotterraneo ci ha visti lavorare su un tema “complesso”, poiché più che di un tema si tratta di un vero e proprio genere.
Alla fine lo steamfantasy ci ha comunque ispirato a dovere e, nonostante i rallentamenti e mille fatiche, siamo riusciti a produrre questo nuovo numero della fanzine italiana di Dungeon World.
Here you are the first special number of “Mondo Sotterraneo”, the Italian Dungeon World fanzine.
Here you are the first special number of “Mondo Sotterraneo”, the Italian Dungeon World fanzine. This special is dedicated to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Originally shared by Mondo Sotterraneo
Vi abbiamo fatto penare parecchio, ma finalmente abbiamo tenuto fede alla nostra promessa. Se siete dei fan di The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, capolavoro della Bethesda, non potrete non apprezzare il nostro numero speciale di febbraio: Skyrim World. Portate le vostre avventure nella terra dei Nord e dei sangue di drago sul tavolo di Dungeon World.
A minute ago, Alessandro Gianni and me were writing a magic cloak together on Google Drive.
A minute ago, Alessandro Gianni and me were writing a magic cloak together on Google Drive. I put the worn tag on the cloak and Alessandro Gianni protested. So we took the rulebook and looked for a solution.
On p. 327, all the armors have the worn tag. On p. 324 it is written: “Worn: To use it, you have to be wearing it” and on p. 399: “Worn (equipment): It’s only useful if you wear it like clothes”.
On p. 335 the Cloak of Silent Stars has no worn tag, but I suppose you must wear it like clothes to use it, and I suppose the same for Timunn’s Armor (p. 341), which has not the worn tag, too.
So, what’s the mystery about the worn tag? Is it only applicable with armors?
This is my personal version of a legendary lich I made for my Dungeon World campaign.
This is my personal version of a legendary lich I made for my Dungeon World campaign. Please, give me hints about it (and correct my English if necessary).
The legends say Nylora was a powerful seiðkona, wife of the cursed king Harald of a past age. She was slain because of her witchcraft by a champion of good whose name was forgotten a long time ago. After her death she went to Hel, where she made a bargain with the goddess of the underworld herself. Hel crafted Nylora’s body with the divine unholy power of the undeath and turned her into the most powerful unliving lich. The goddess put Nylora’s phylactery into a secret keep in Niflheim, where a legion of demons guard it in the eternal cold night, and sent her back to bring forth Hel’s revenge against the world of men and the order of the celestial gods. Instinct: To bring death to the world
Wights are humanoids who rise as undead due to necromancy, a violent death, or an extremely malevolent personality. In some cases, a wight arises when an evil undead spirit permanently bonds with a corpse, often the corpse of a slain warrior. They are barely recognizable to those who knew them in life; their flesh is twisted by evil and undeath, the eyes burn with hatred, and the teeth become beast-like. In some ways, a wight bridges the gap between a ghoul and a spectre—a warped animated corpse whose touch steals living energy. Instinct: to consume life force