Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!

Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!

Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!

This time the theme of our issue was “Steam & Gears”.

Originally shared by Mondo Sotterraneo

USCITA Mondo Sotterraneo n. 3 “Vapore & Ingranaggi” maggio 2014

Questo terzo numero di Mondo Sotterraneo ci ha visti lavorare su un tema “complesso”, poiché più che di un tema si tratta di un vero e proprio genere.

Alla fine lo steamfantasy ci ha comunque ispirato a dovere e, nonostante i rallentamenti e mille fatiche, siamo riusciti a produrre questo nuovo numero della fanzine italiana di Dungeon World.

Potete trovarlo al link seguente:

11 thoughts on “Here you are the third issue of Mondo Sotterraneo, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World!”

  1. I started last week at the Pizza place. Rigatone Al Forno. Ciao cara mia. But the waitress was not interested in wizards and dungeons…

  2. I wonder if Google Translate can be of use.

    “The method of Onion


    Er… that’s workable, but not feasible…

  3. In Italian it’s a metaphor. As the onion has several layer as you (the GM) can set several dangers to be confronted by the players.

    It comes from the expression vestirsi a cipolla (lit. “to dress up like an onion”, i.e. “to dress up with several layers of clothes so, if you are hot, you can undress yourself and, if you are cold, you can stay dressed up”).

  4. Oh no, I got it, it’s just a really a awkward expression in English when phrased that way. Google Translate does a better job with the article body than the title.

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